"Couldn't load private key (not a private key)" when converting id_rsa.pub to ppk using PuTTYgen


Solution 1

You are obviously loading a public key to the PuTTYgen, not the private key.

The ssh-keygen -t rsa generates two files:

  • The key pair id_rsa (containing both the public key and the private key):

    -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
  • The public key id_rsa.pub:

    ssh-rsa ... comment

You cannot load the id_rsa.pub to PuTTYgen. It makes no sense, as the file does not contain the private key.

You have to load the id_rsa.

Solution 2

I had a similar problem. For Puttygen 6.2 the error was "Couldn't load private key (not a private key)" and for Puttygen 7 the error was "Couldn't load private key (not a recognised key file format)".

It turns out the solution was pretty simple - the .pem file I was using was saved with UNIX line endings (LF). Converting the file to Windows line endings (CR LF) meant that Puttygen was able to read it.

Danni Asdani
Author by

Danni Asdani

Updated on June 13, 2022


  • Danni Asdani
    Danni Asdani about 2 years

    I'm installing Git 2.5.0 (included with latest docker-toolbox) on my Windows 7 64-bit.

    I try to regenerate new key using git-bash:

    ssh-keygen -t rsa

    and save the new key to specific location. When trying to convert using PuTTYgen to .ppk file there's error:

    Couldn't load private key (not a private key)

    Is there something wrong with my Git version?

    Here's the .pub file:

    ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQC4YN/jejgFKubJ7YBUdl18EKuxFcC2CS/Rl19u6giHIz6zP548guM22Vm1edOLHN6qh2tpJkbzN6FOtLrCUXQqQ4unBqPlAY0dU4Cvzh86TDqdWixOV3AuBGJAMmjrrGe/U3/yO1RgR1pARrl7ZpY7ma7tP/9o8rGDmbQclIULNcI5AYCjRLICgbDlawT8jRYBT33VztphLi9HzGgDtSPANGJpgRrnYcoF3ZJL4E/CC7SW33lz2S/cLsupDdjusPWJjzR8vDKCXYtBTjvNP+a5GY21Z7eQHwD0MBFdxyHCMM0rnVWMJFmNNYy0N2ho5TrJ7kUHbzz4tUfrGPdWzOqX dxx@dxx-SandBox