"The RPC Server is unavailable" when replicating domain controllers


It looks like it last replicated on 10-05, what changed then? My guess is you have some sort of mismatch on the SRV records in the DNS for the two DCs. AD replication needs more than just the A record that ping uses, so Ping can give you a false negative in regards to DNS health. Try setting both servers to the same DNS server, and restarting the netlogin service on both. Then Try the replication again.


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Official Title: Cloud Solutions Architect While never claiming to be an expert, my primary focus is as an architect and developer working with enterprise line-of-business applications running in-part or entirely in Azure. I mentor senior developers and coach teams struggling with cloud/web technologies and agile techniques.

Updated on September 17, 2022


  • Jaxidian
    Jaxidian almost 2 years

    I have two domain controllers:

    DC1: Win2k3 R2 EGDC1: Win2k8 R2

    When I try to replicate these two (via Manage Sites and Services and under NTDS Settings) by selecting Replicate Now, I get the error message The RPC Server is unavailable. It doesn't matter if I try this while remoted into DC1 or DC2.

    According to this technet article, this is a problem with a machine being down. However, I can additionally have both domain controllers ping one another just fine so there is no DNS issue nor any connectivity issue. Both are on the same LAN and even on the same subnet, so no VPN/wifi/firewall/quirky issues like that should be a problem.

    Additionally, I verified that the RPC service is running on both boxes.

    What could the problem be and how would I fix it?

    dcdiag results:

    Directory Server Diagnosis
    Performing initial setup:
       Trying to find home server...
       Home Server = EGDC1
       * Identified AD Forest.
       Ldap search capabality attribute search failed on server DC1, return value =
       Got error while checking if the DC is using FRS or DFSR. Error:
       Win32 Error 81The VerifyReferences, FrsEvent and DfsrEvent tests might fail
       because of this error.
       Done gathering initial info.
    Doing initial required tests
       Testing server: INF\EGDC1
          Starting test: Connectivity
             ......................... EGDC1 passed test Connectivity
    Doing primary tests
       Testing server: INF\EGDC1
          Starting test: Advertising
             ......................... EGDC1 passed test Advertising
          Starting test: FrsEvent
             ......................... EGDC1 passed test FrsEvent
          Starting test: DFSREvent
             ......................... EGDC1 passed test DFSREvent
          Starting test: SysVolCheck
             ......................... EGDC1 passed test SysVolCheck
          Starting test: KccEvent
             ......................... EGDC1 passed test KccEvent
          Starting test: KnowsOfRoleHolders
             [DC1] DsBindWithSpnEx() failed with error 1722,
             The RPC server is unavailable..
             Warning: DC1 is the Schema Owner, but is not responding to DS RPC
             Warning: DC1 is the Schema Owner, but is not responding to LDAP Bind.
             Warning: DC1 is the Domain Owner, but is not responding to DS RPC
             Warning: DC1 is the Domain Owner, but is not responding to LDAP Bind.
             Warning: DC1 is the PDC Owner, but is not responding to DS RPC Bind.
             Warning: DC1 is the PDC Owner, but is not responding to LDAP Bind.
             Warning: DC1 is the Rid Owner, but is not responding to DS RPC Bind.
             Warning: DC1 is the Rid Owner, but is not responding to LDAP Bind.
             Warning: DC1 is the Infrastructure Update Owner, but is not responding
             to DS RPC Bind.
             Warning: DC1 is the Infrastructure Update Owner, but is not responding
             to LDAP Bind.
             ......................... EGDC1 failed test KnowsOfRoleHolders
          Starting test: MachineAccount
             ......................... EGDC1 passed test MachineAccount
          Starting test: NCSecDesc
                Replicating Directory Changes In Filtered Set
             access rights for the naming context:
                Replicating Directory Changes In Filtered Set
             access rights for the naming context:
             ......................... EGDC1 failed test NCSecDesc
          Starting test: NetLogons
             ......................... EGDC1 passed test NetLogons
          Starting test: ObjectsReplicated
             ......................... EGDC1 passed test ObjectsReplicated
          Starting test: Replications
             [Replications Check,EGDC1] A recent replication attempt failed:
                From DC1 to EGDC1
                Naming Context: DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=eg,DC=local
                The replication generated an error (1256):
                The remote system is not available. For information about network tr
    oubleshooting, see Windows Help.
                The failure occurred at 2010-11-29 08:56:33.
                The last success occurred at 2010-10-05 01:10:06.
                1330 failures have occurred since the last success.
             [Replications Check,EGDC1] A recent replication attempt failed:
                From DC1 to EGDC1
                Naming Context: DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=eg,DC=local
                The replication generated an error (1256):
                The remote system is not available. For information about network tr
    oubleshooting, see Windows Help.
                The failure occurred at 2010-11-29 08:56:33.
                The last success occurred at 2010-10-05 01:10:03.
                1330 failures have occurred since the last success.
             [Replications Check,EGDC1] A recent replication attempt failed:
                From DC1 to EGDC1
                Naming Context: CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=eg,DC=local
                The replication generated an error (1722):
                The RPC server is unavailable.
                The failure occurred at 2010-11-29 08:57:15.
                The last success occurred at 2010-10-05 00:48:18.
                1330 failures have occurred since the last success.
                The source remains down. Please check the machine.
             [Replications Check,EGDC1] A recent replication attempt failed:
                From DC1 to EGDC1
                Naming Context: CN=Configuration,DC=eg,DC=local
                The replication generated an error (1722):
                The RPC server is unavailable.
                The failure occurred at 2010-11-29 08:56:54.
                The last success occurred at 2010-10-05 00:48:18.
                1330 failures have occurred since the last success.
                The source remains down. Please check the machine.
             [Replications Check,EGDC1] A recent replication attempt failed:
                From DC1 to EGDC1
                Naming Context: DC=eg,DC=local
                The replication generated an error (1722):
                The RPC server is unavailable.
                The failure occurred at 2010-11-29 08:56:33.
                The last success occurred at 2010-10-05 01:09:58.
                1331 failures have occurred since the last success.
                The source remains down. Please check the machine.
             ......................... EGDC1 failed test Replications
          Starting test: RidManager
             ......................... EGDC1 failed test RidManager
          Starting test: Services
             ......................... EGDC1 passed test Services
          Starting test: SystemLog
             ......................... EGDC1 passed test SystemLog
          Starting test: VerifyReferences
             ......................... EGDC1 passed test VerifyReferences
       Running partition tests on : ForestDnsZones
          Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
             ......................... ForestDnsZones passed test CheckSDRefDom
          Starting test: CrossRefValidation
             ......................... ForestDnsZones passed test
       Running partition tests on : DomainDnsZones
          Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
             ......................... DomainDnsZones passed test CheckSDRefDom
          Starting test: CrossRefValidation
             ......................... DomainDnsZones passed test
       Running partition tests on : Schema
          Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
             ......................... Schema passed test CheckSDRefDom
          Starting test: CrossRefValidation
             ......................... Schema passed test CrossRefValidation
       Running partition tests on : Configuration
          Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
             ......................... Configuration passed test CheckSDRefDom
          Starting test: CrossRefValidation
             ......................... Configuration passed test CrossRefValidation
       Running partition tests on : eg
          Starting test: CheckSDRefDom
             ......................... eg passed test CheckSDRefDom
          Starting test: CrossRefValidation
             ......................... eg passed test CrossRefValidation
       Running enterprise tests on : eg.local
          Starting test: LocatorCheck
             ......................... eg.local passed test LocatorCheck
          Starting test: Intersite
             ......................... eg.local passed test Intersite
  • Jaxidian
    Jaxidian over 13 years
    Hmm, we did a software deployment (ASP.NET + SQL change scripts) but nothing infrastructure-related. I'm trying your suggested changes now...
  • Jaxidian
    Jaxidian over 13 years
    Okay, the list of DNS servers wasn't identical (in fact, it wasn't very good at all). That's all cleaned up and did a reset on the netlogin service (I'd rather not reboot either DC since my local "backup" DC has apparently been down for a month!). Anyways, at this point, I'm seeing no change in behavior from the ability to sync. However, my dcdiag changed ever-so-slightly. I am going to play with this tonight when I can have some downtime and I may be back tomorrow with more information/questions. Thanks!!
  • Jaxidian
    Jaxidian over 13 years
    I have discovered the problem. It is and is not a DNS issue. Ultimately, our EGDC1 DC was originally plugged into two different subnets and on 10/5 was removed from one subnet. From a networking standpoint, both domain controllers were still connected to the second subnet so this should have worked just fine, however, the SRV records didn't exist in the site for this second subnet, only the first. After cleaning up the DNS settings like BillN suggested, this ultimately led me to this conclusion (after many hours). Ultimately, my solution was to plug it back into the first subnet & leave DNS.
  • BillN
    BillN over 13 years
    Glad my suggestion helped you to a solution. If you ever decide to remove EGDC1 from the first subnet, make sure and update the SRV records to point to the IP address on the second subnet first.
  • Dan
    Dan over 11 years
    How is this relevant?
  • TheBritishGeek
    TheBritishGeek almost 10 years
    Note that it is best practice and not recommended or supported by Microsoft to "dual home" your DCs across two different networks. This is known to cause issues and should be avoided at all costs.
  • Todd Wilcox
    Todd Wilcox over 8 years
    Can you clarify "don't point local server as DNS"? Domain controllers that are also running AD-integrated DNS should have and ::1 as their own DNS servers in ipv4 and ipv6 configurations, respectively.