"Unknown bits set in runtime_flags: 0x8000" warning in Logcat on Android Q emulator


Solution 1

I bring a stone to the building. I retrace the code for the error message. It is at line 345 in the C ++ file dalvik_system_ZygoteHooks.cc At a minimum, if (runtime_flags! = 0) then the error message will be printed. 0x8000 also corresponds to the USE_APP_IMAGE_STARTUP_CACHE flag (see line 157). The test on the USE_APP_IMAGE_STARTUP_CACHE flag is done on line 340. Normally, runtime_flags should no longer have a raised bit for USE_APP_IMAGE_STARTUP_CACHE but this does not seem to be the case since the error is printed.

But in the end, the error does not seem to have an impact on the application.

Solution 2

I searched and I have some suggestion to you.

First of all take a look at this links:


difference between constants 32768 and 0x8000

Now this links may be can help you :

Android Fragment no view found for ID



and last thing is:

Uninstall App from emulator and Run project Again.

First Edit:

I Searched again and i think we are close to answer, so please check this links and say what do you think? are they Irrelevant? or we are on the right way.




Class AConfiguration


public static final int ACONFIGURATION_SCREEN_ROUND




   * Bit mask for
   * <a href="@dacRoot/guide/topics/resources/providing-resources.html#LayoutDirectionQualifier">layout direction</a>
   * configuration.





 Constant android_ndk_sys::ACONFIGURATION_SCREEN_ROUND
 pub const ACONFIGURATION_SCREEN_ROUND: _bindgen_ty_3
 Type Definition android_ndk_sys::_bindgen_ty_3

 type _bindgen_ty_3 = u32;




Solution 3

In my case at least happens because The fragment tried to update the view (or something like this) when a different activity was already running so just

public void onStop() {

inside the fragment solved this error

Violet Giraffe
Author by

Violet Giraffe

I'm from Kharkiv, Ukraine. My city is being destroyed every day. Help us defend: https://www.comebackalive.in.ua/donate PC enthusiast, C++ fan and C++ / Qt / Android software developer. Also &lt;3 Arduino. Music and car addict. Reinventing various wheels in my spare time. A custom-made square wheel is like a tailored suit, wouldn't you agree? Why do I have more rep from questions than from answers? Because you don't learn by answering; you learn by asking questions :) Ongoing personal open-source projects: Dual-panel file manager for Windows / Linux / Mac

Updated on July 05, 2022


  • Violet Giraffe
    Violet Giraffe almost 2 years

    I'm getting this warning as the first line from my app in logcat, and I have no idea what it refers to and how I should go about fixing it. Google doesn't offer much info on this (in fact, none at all). Please advise. What kind of flags might this be about? Is there a way to find out what the specified bit might refer to (or, perhaps, has been referring to on older Android versions but has become invalid in Android 10)? There is no such line in the log on Android 9 or earlier versions.

  • Violet Giraffe
    Violet Giraffe over 4 years
    So 0x8000 is Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TASK, good find. But it's not deprecated, why would it be "unknown bits"? developer.android.com/reference/android/content/…
  • Violet Giraffe
    Violet Giraffe over 4 years
    Regarding your edit, I don't think that's relevant since that is some 3rd-party class / software I've never heard of before.
  • finki
    finki over 4 years
    At least use requireActivity() which is more readable and also more android style
  • sivi
    sivi over 4 years
    You are assuming that android has style ... Actually this part is not really related to the solution it was added by the android studio. Thanks for adding this option you could have just edited the answer I think..
  • android developer
    android developer over 4 years
    Should we worry about this? Is there a way to overcome it? It seems to exist even on Android API 29...
  • Pierre Lepage
    Pierre Lepage over 4 years
    I pushed my research a little further. I have only one track to suggest without a definitive solution. A simple search on "USE_APP_IMAGE_STARTUP_CACHE" led me to line 107 of the Zygote.java module where the constant is defined. Continuing my research, I ended up in ART (Android Runtime) (runtime.h) at line 922. On this line is the method SetLoadAppImageStartupCacheEnabled which initializes load_app_image_startup_cache_. In short, the warning seems to be linked to the initialization of a cache memory for the image of the Android runtime.
  • Reginaldo Rigo
    Reginaldo Rigo about 4 years
    My app gets a list of tasks from the web in a JSON file. Then the users can select them day by day back and forth and the app show them the tasks relating to the selected date. When I have this error the app doesn't show anything relating to that date. If you ignore and keep changing date, eventually it will work again.
  • sandeep
    sandeep over 2 years
    i am facing this error on a real device now E/m.realmjava: Unknown bits set in runtime_flags: 0x8000