React & Jest, how to test changing state and checking for another component


Solution 1

Figured it out! Did not need React Test Utilities

it('should render the Notification component if state.error is true', () => {
    const loginComponent = shallow(<Login />);
    loginComponent.setState({ error: true });

This will set the state of error to true in the Login component, then check if the Login component contains the Notification component.

Solution 2

This should probably be refactored a bit. The Notification component should probably be always rendered in a more global component (like a Page Wrapper or some sort of other container), and it should probably render null unless there's errors within a global reducer. A Login component probably shouldn't maintain the responsibility and business logic regarding notifications.

Leon Gaban
Author by

Leon Gaban

Investor, Powerlifter, Crypto investor and global citizen You can also find me here: @leongaban | github |

Updated on August 08, 2020


  • Leon Gaban
    Leon Gaban over 3 years

    React - Test Utilities Docs

    I have a Login component which will display a Notification component if this.state.error is true.

    I'm now writing a Jest test to test this.

    import React from 'react'
    import ReactTestUtils from 'react-dom/test-utils';
    import { shallow } from 'enzyme'
    import toJson from 'enzyme-to-json'
    import Login from './Login'
    import Notification from '../common/Notification'
    describe('<Login /> component', () => {
        it('should render', () => {
            const loginComponent = shallow(<Login />);
            const tree = toJson(loginComponent);
        it('should contains the words "Forgot Password"', () => {
            const loginComponent = shallow(<Login />);
            expect(loginComponent.contains('Forgot Password')).toBe(true);
        // This test fails
        it('should render the Notification component if state.error is true', () => {
            const loginComponent = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
                <Login />
            const notificationComponent = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
                <Notification />
                error: true
            }, expect(ReactTestUtils.isDOMComponent(notificationComponent)).toBe(true));

    However currently the test is failing, and I'm not sure why

    enter image description here

    In the last part of my code I've also tried this to no avail

            error: true
        }, expect(ReactTestUtils. isElement(notificationComponent)).toBe(true));

    The render() of my Login component

    render() {
        const usernameError = this.state.username.error;
        const error = this.state.error;
        const errorMsg = this.state.errorMsg;
        return (
            <div className="app-bg">
                { error &&
                    <Notification message={ errorMsg } closeMsg={ this.closeMessage }/>
                <section id="auth-section">
                        <img src="static/imgs/logo.png"/>

    Also tried this method for testing for the Notification component after setting state.error to true

    it('should render the Notification component if state.error is true', () => {
        const loginComponent = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
            <Login />
        const notificationComponent = ReactTestUtils.renderIntoDocument(
            <Notification />
        // loginComponent.setState({
        //  error: true
        // }, expect(ReactTestUtils.isDOMComponent(notificationComponent)).toBe(true));
        const checkForNotification = () => {
            const login = shallow(<Login />);
            error: true
        }, checkForNotification());

    But that test also failed.

    Also tried const login = mount(<Login />);

    Anyone else running into a problem using Jest and the React Test Utilities?