React conditional classnames using template strings and && operator


Solution 1

Actually, there are many ways to do that, here's one of them.

<div className={isRequired ? 'some-class is-required': 'some-class'}>

or you can return null

<div className={isRequired ? 'is-required' : null}>

In order, if you have several classes.

<div className={isRequired ? 'some-class is-required': isDisabled ? 'some-disabled-class' : 'some-class'}>

class App extends React.Component {

  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      isRequired: false

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="App">
       <div className={this.state.isRequired ? 'is-required' : null}>Null</div>

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id='root'></div>

Solution 2

Maybe you'll find this utility function helpful (it will be used as a tagged template):

const c = (strings = [], ...classes) => {
  let myClass = '';
  strings.forEach((s, i) => {
    myClass += s + (classes[i] || '');

  return myClass.trim().replace('  ', ' ');

Now you can use it like this :

className={c`my-class ${this.props.done && 'done'} selected`}


className={c`some-class ${isRequired && 'is-required'} ${isDisabled && 'some-disabled-class'}`}

Solution 3

You can use it if you don't want false value.

<div className={`some-class${isRequired && ' is-required' || ''}`}>

Solution 4

<div className={isRequired && 'is-required'}>Required</div>

Using evaluation short circuiting (

Drew Jex
Author by

Drew Jex

Check out my portfolio at Feel free to reach out @ [email protected] ผมพูดภาษาไทยได้ด้วยนะครับ

Updated on June 21, 2022


  • Drew Jex
    Drew Jex about 2 years

    There have been many questions on StackOverflow relating to applying conditional classnames to React components; however, I have not seen a good answer for this particular situation:

    I have a basic div that I want to conditionally apply the "is-required" class. Here is my approach:

    <div className={`some-class ${isRequired && 'is-required'}`}>

    The main issue here is that when isRequired is false, then my compiled HTML code ends up looking like this:

    <div class='some-class false'>

    Obviously, I could use a ternary operator like this so I can return an empty string instead:

    <div className={`some-class ${isRequired ? 'is-required' : ''}`}>

    But then in the compiled HTML code there is this extra random space included in the class, which won't cause any rendering issues, but I still don't like it:

    <div class='some-class '>

    Even still, I could remove the space after "someClass" and include it before "isRequired", but now it's harder to read and feels kind of clunky:

    <div className={`some-class${isRequired ? ' is-required' : ''}`}>

    I have heard of utilities such as classnames, but I am looking for a simple solution where I don't need any additional packages.

    What is the recommended approach here?

  • HMR
    HMR about 6 years
    Wouldn't empty string be better than null? Not sure what null would produce.
  • Liam
    Liam about 6 years
    It would produce nothing if I used an empty string it would produce a space.
  • HMR
    HMR about 6 years
    Must be a React thing then because new String(null)+"" produces "null" for me so would be <div class="some-classnull" when isRequired is false(y)
  • Drew Jex
    Drew Jex about 6 years
    What about a situation where I have several classes I want to conditionally apply? So kind of like this: ${isRequired && 'is-required'} ${isDisabled && 'is-disabled'}.
  • HMR
    HMR about 6 years
    @DrewJex assuming that isRequired and isDisabled is an empty string then do your some-class first and all optional classes with a leading space after that: ${isRequired && " is-required"}
  • Liam
    Liam about 6 years
    @HMR yes you are right it's returning a null as well, I just fixed them