React Refs with TypeScript: Cannot read property 'current' of undefined


! non-null assertion operator suppresses the actual problem. There is no way in JavaScript/TypeScript how testTitleRef property could be assigned from being used as <Child ref={this.titleRef} />, so it stays undefined (there's also inconsistency with testTitleRef and titleRef).

It should be something like:

  private testTitleRef: React.createRef<HTMLHeadingElement>();

  scrollToTestTitleRef = () => {
      if (!this.testTitleRef.current) return;

        behavior: "smooth",
        top: this.testTitleRef.current.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.scrollY
  render() {
    return <Child scrollRef={this.testTitleRef} />


export class Child extends Component<Props> {
  render() {
    return <h1 ref={this.props.scrollRef}>Header<h1 />
J. Hesters
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J. Hesters

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Updated on June 08, 2022


  • J. Hesters
    J. Hesters almost 2 years

    I'm building a React application using TypeScript.

    I want to create button, that scrolls to a header of a child component on my main page.

    I've created a ref in the child component, following this stack overflow answer and (tried to) use forward refs to access it on my parent component.

    export class Parent extends Component {
      private testTitleRef!: RefObject<HTMLHeadingElement>;
      scrollToTestTitleRef = () => {
        if (this.testTitleRef.current !== null) {
            behavior: "smooth",
            top: this.testTitleRef.current.offsetTop
      render() {
        return <Child ref={this.testTitleRef} />
    interface Props {
      ref: RefObject<HTMLHeadingElement>;
    export class Child extends Component<Props> {
      render() {
        return <h1 ref={this.props.ref}>Header<h1 />

    Unfortunately when I trigger scrollToTestTitleRef I get the error:

    Cannot read property 'current' of undefined

    Meaning that the ref is undefined. Why is that? What am I doing wrong?

    EDIT: Estus helped me to create the ref. But when I trigger the scrollToTestTitleRef() event, it doesn't scroll. When I console.log this.testTitleRef.current I get the output:


    Note: I deleted the keys of cacheClasses, _reactInternalFiber and __reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext, because they contained cyclic dependencies.

    So current doesn't seem to have a key of offsetTop. Does this maybe have something to do with the fact that in my real application the child component is wrapped inside material-ui's withStyle and React-Redux' connect?

  • J. Hesters
    J. Hesters over 5 years
    Thank you! The inconsistency was just because I jotted down that examply quickly for this question. I created the ref your way, and it doesn't crash anymore. It still doesn't work. I added more info to the question. Could you please help me further?
  • Estus Flask
    Estus Flask over 5 years
    I didn't pay attention to Child, but yes, a ref is class instance, not DOM element. You could do el = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.testTitleRef.current) but actually this may not be a good idea to do this with ref because this wouldn't work at all with function component (they have no refs), also a component may render to multiple DOM elements or no elements at all. I'd suggest to refactor the code to make components decide themselves which element should expose as scroll box, e.g. <Child scrollRef={this.testTitleRef} /> and assign this.props.scrollRef.current to h1 ref inside Child.
  • Estus Flask
    Estus Flask over 5 years
    Btw, see , it already suggests something like this, notice that it passes refProp and not ref to a child.
  • J. Hesters
    J. Hesters over 5 years
    Thank you for your help! You are helping me tremendously. I switched ref to refProp and set the ref to h1 now it scrolls, but it scrolls to the top of the document, and not to the header of the child. If I log this.props.scrollRef.current it correctly gives out the <h1 />. Do you have any idea what could cause this?
  • Estus Flask
    Estus Flask over 5 years
    Can you provide a demo to debug?
  • J. Hesters
    J. Hesters over 5 years
    Hardly, because the real application has hundres of lines of code. If I strip something it might be what causes the bug. If I console.log this.props.scrollRef.current.offsetTop it gives me 32px what is the height of the heading and it's margin, but not the total distance between the element and the top of the window.
  • J. Hesters
    J. Hesters over 5 years
  • Estus Flask
    Estus Flask over 5 years
    Yes, I guess that's the problem here, and you need absolute Y offset. E.g.…
  • J. Hesters
    J. Hesters over 5 years
    Thank you 😊 Here is the code that I ended up using: this.testTitleRef.current.parentElement!.getBoundingClientRe‌​ct().top. Would you mind adding this to your answer so I can accept it?
  • Estus Flask
    Estus Flask over 5 years
    Sure. But parentElement looks fishy. Why is it needed here? I wouldn't expect it to work ok in the code you posted, it would refer to Parent's container instead of Child's <h1>.
  • J. Hesters
    J. Hesters over 5 years
    To be honest that was just try and error until the scroll worked correctly 😅
  • Estus Flask
    Estus Flask over 5 years
    This depends on the layout but I'd expect parentElement to be harmful here.