Read from serial port and store in hexadecimal


The Problem is solved :)

I tried to use hexdump command by setting -N to KB and it works successfuly

it reads from serial port until 1000 bytes and it stops

od -A n -N KB -t x1 -w128 /dev/ttyS0 > /tmp/filename.txt

so, thank you guys for your cooperation. I really appriciated.

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Updated on June 18, 2022


  • Admin
    Admin about 2 years

    I have a vhf radio which sent a status message continuosly through the serial port, and I need the messages that I got to be stored as hex data in a text file

    I tried hexdump command as shown below, and the data that I've got from vhf radio is correct, but the problem with this script that when I execute it, it does not end until I press ctrl-c

    d -A n -t x1 -w128 /dev/ttyS0 > file.txt

    so I've tried another command which is read command as follow:

    while [ $COUNTER -lt 10 ]; do
    read -r -t1 -N128 DATA < /dev/ttyS0 
    echo $DATA >> file1.txt
    od -A n -t x1 -w128 file1.txt >> file2.txt

    but the data stored in file2.txt is not correct.

    the message that I got from the radio is not in a format that I could interprete it as per the radio prtocol document. so when I said that the data is not correct I mean that the message is could not be interpreted (it received randomly)

    note that I've setted the serial port before executing both scripts as follow:

    stty -g /dev/ttyS0 raw
    stty -F /dev/ttyS0 9600

    so, please help me to figure this out. or gave me aother way to read from serial port.
