Read/write access for passthrough (9p) filesystems with libvirt/qemu?


This seems to me like a permission issue on the host:

By default, the qemu/kvm process is started as a non-privileged user (libvirt-qemu in Debian Wheezy). So only files accessible (or writable) by that user are accessible (writable) by the VM guests.

You might try setting ownership of the directory to the user qemu is run as (see user= and group= in /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf)

Maybe this helps in your case?


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • user2751502
    user2751502 almost 2 years

    I have recently started experimenting with the support for passthrough filesystems in recent versions of KVM/QEMU/libvirt. Making the filesystems available for read access has "just worked", but I'm a little puzzled about how write access is supposed to work. After mounting the filesystem in the guest:

    # mount -t 9p -o trans=virtio /fs/data /mnt

    I can modify an existing file if it has mode o+w:

    # cd /mnt/work
    # ls -l foo
    -rw-rw-rw-. 1 root root 17 Dec 20 11:16 foo
    # cat foo
    this is line one
    # echo this is line two >> foo
    # cat foo
    this is line one
    this is line two

    But regardless of the directory permissions, I cannot create a new file or directory:

    # ls -ld /mnt/work
    drwxrwxrwx. 2 root root 4096 Dec 20 11:16 /mnt/work
    # cd /mnt/work
    # touch bar
    touch: setting times of `bar': No such file or directory
    # mkdir bar
    # mkdir: cannot create directory `bar': Operation not permitted

    The documentation I've been able to find (e.g., this) does not explicitly address this issue. I'm hoping someone here at Serverfault can help me set up a passthrough filesystem that will let me grant write access to a user in the guest to a host filesystem.

    • Janus Troelsen
      Janus Troelsen over 12 years
      Are you sure you mounted the file system read/write? Can you create files? Are you creating files as root or regular user (yeah I see your # but you might have written that manually)?
    • Shoan
      Shoan about 11 years
      Did you manage to resolve this? I am having a similar issue of not being able to write to the mounted host fs path in the guest.
    • user2751502
      user2751502 about 11 years
      I never really made any progress on this. It was kind of a niche application for me...I'm not generally running KVM guests in places where access to a local filesystem would be useful. I've taken to running VirtualBox on my desktop where I actually want this feature from time to time.
    • c4f4t0r
      c4f4t0r almost 11 years
      Do you see any selinux alert on the physical host or on the guest?
    • Danila Ladner
      Danila Ladner over 10 years
      This might help?
  • Diagon
    Diagon over 6 years
    I've tried that in my case, which is the same as this question, but I can't get it to work, even with apparmor off.
  • laimison
    laimison almost 4 years
    Same issue and no solution. Did anyone solve it? In my case host and guest have same UID. qemu-system-x86_64 is running under same UID. I'm able to remove or edit from guest, but not able to create new files and folders e.g. with touch or mkdir. Even if I temporary disable apparmor and give 777 to directory at both sides.
  • laimison
    laimison almost 4 years
    Okay, this touch: setting times of issue with 9P filesystem exists for a decade based on various Google searches without solution. So I questioned myself whether I should use not maintained technology and decided to NOT DO IT. It could have many more issues ahead.