read.xlsx reading dates wrong if non-date in column


Solution 1

The dates can be read as integers and later converted to Date using openxlsx::convertToDate() function.

More here

Solution 2

XLConnect is able to handle this pretty sweet:

test <- readWorksheetFromFile( "~/Downloads/test.xlsx", sheet = "Sheet1", header = FALSE )
                 Col1  Col2
1 2014-06-29 00:00:00    49
2 2014-06-30 00:00:00    46
3         Grand Total 89251

The Problem you have is obvious, that the first column is of mixed type: character and POSIXct. XLConnect is able to read each cell correctly in, but casts all cells of a column then to the most common type, which is character in this case.

'data.frame':   3 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ Col1: chr  "2014-06-29 00:00:00" "2014-06-30 00:00:00" "Grand Total"
 $ Col2: num  49 46 89251

Solution 3

The problem you're having is that Excel stores the number of days since Jan-0-1900, and that is the number R is reading from the excel file. When you convert in R, you are converting based on the number of days since Jan-1-1970. If you subtract the number of days between those two first, it should work.

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I'm a research fellow at Lancaster University. Its great to help people here, and I learn a lot in doing that. But please don't email me about questions on Stack Overflow, or tweet at me, or contact me in any other way if you want a question answered.

Updated on October 26, 2020


  • Spacedman
    Spacedman over 3 years

    The xlsx package is reading dates in wrongly. I've read all the top similar Q's here and had a scout round the internet but I can't find this particular behaviour where the origin changes if there's non-date data in a column.

    I have a tiny Excel spreadsheet you can get from dropbox:

    It has three rows, two columns. First is a date, second is a number. The third row has "Grand Total" in the date column.

    If I read in the first two rows with read.xlsx and tell it the first column is a date then this works:

              X1 X2
    1 2014-06-29 49
    2 2014-06-30 46

    Those are indeed the dates in the spreadsheet. If I try and read all three rows, something goes wrong:

              X1    X2
    1 2084-06-30    49
    2 2084-07-01    46
    3       <NA> 89251
    Warning message:
    In as.POSIXlt.Date(x) : NAs introduced by coercion

    If I try reading in as integers I get different integers:

    > read.xlsx("./test.xlsx",head=FALSE,1,colClasses=c("integer","integer"),endRow=2)
         X1 X2
    1 16250 49
    2 16251 46
    > read.xlsx("./test.xlsx",head=FALSE,1,colClasses=c("integer","integer"))
         X1    X2
    1 41819    49
    2 41820    46
    3    NA 89251

    The first integers are correctly converted using as.Date(s1$X1,origin="1970-01-01") (Unix epoch) and the second integers are correctly converted using as.Date(s2$X1, origin="1899-12-30") (Excel epoch). If I convert the second lot using 1970 I get the 2084 dates.

    So: Am I doing something wrong? Is the best thing to read as integers, and if any NAs then convert using Excel epoch, otherwise use Unix epoch? Or is it a bug in the xlsx package?

    xlsx version is Version: 0.5.1