Received empty response from Zabbix Agent at [X.X.X.X]. Assuming that agent dropped connection because of access permissions


After a few attempts, I identified that Zabbix Agent was in a different version of the zabbix server version. After making the change and leaving both versions the same, it was possible to communicate with Agent

Luis Fernando
Author by

Luis Fernando

Active in the Technical Support area with full experience in integration systems. Enthusiast of the infrastructure area.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Luis Fernando
    Luis Fernando almost 2 years

    I have a Zabbix configuration problem here in the company a few days ago. I'm having this error on the hosts page in the Settings portion. I have already done several tests, being:

    1. Agent and Server Ports Release (Firewall Disabled)
    2. I changed the settings of agent.config and server.config.
    3. I disabled SELINUX.

    If you can help me thank you, I only need this communication so I can proceed with the finalization of the installation.

    Error: Received empty response from Zabbix Agent at [X.X.X.X]. Assuming that agent dropped connection because of access permissions.

    I already looked for solutions in google but I did not find answers

    UPDATE: I noticed that the server apparently has some network problem. I have managed to install normal zabbix using yum in Centos 7. However, the server is taking too long to ping and is missing the settings in the resolv.conf file.

    I do not know what this network problem can be, I'm a beginner in linux and I'm having a bit of trouble correcting this without having to configure a new server.

    UPDATE 2: I identified that the server did not contain the google DNS ( configured in: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 so I added this registry and it solved the network problem, now it's ping , before of this was only the internal DNS of the company. But the initial problem still persists and I think there may be some relationship with network configurations

    • dortegaoh
      dortegaoh over 5 years
      Your configuration of the agent itself, and the host on the Zabbix server would be helpful. Otherwise it's just blind guessing.
    • Luis Fernando
      Luis Fernando over 5 years
      Here's a Zabbix server and agent configuration: Server config Agent config
    • SBO
      SBO over 5 years
      Run your agent in debug mode, it will greatly help you to find out what's wrong.
    • Luis Fernando
      Luis Fernando over 5 years
      The log file was generated with debug level 5: LOG LINK
  • Luis Fernando
    Luis Fernando over 5 years
    I tried to make this configuration in the agent commenting the SourceIP, restarting the zabbix agent and the server. The same error continued, in the "Settings > Hosts" screen, the "ZBX" is in red with the same message Perhaps a failure is occurring when the server connects to this agent, I have identified this message in the log, I do not know if it is generic: 1436: 20181130: 105232.029 Message from is missing header. Message ignored.
  • Luis Fernando
    Luis Fernando over 5 years
    Log of zabbix_server: 27435:20181130:104645.390 cannot send list of active checks to "": host [DI-VZBX-197] not found
  • Quantim
    Quantim over 5 years
    but is localhost, it should be something like 192.168.17.XXX do you have somewhere in the config?
  • Luis Fernando
    Luis Fernando over 5 years
    This address was the one that was configured on Zabbix_agentd.conf on the server. Even changing to the IP of the server it continues with the same error. But this agent is the only one that communicates with the server (I think it's because it's local). The log that displays this error is the same server log. The agent I am trying to communicate ( is a windows 10 and it does not have any configuration with, in the config of the server it also does not have the