Redirection of stdout to a file not working


Solution 1

use &> for redirection, this should redirect stdout and stderr to designated file

Solution 2

You have sent stdout to the file, but your program is reporting errors which go to stderr. To setup redirection of stderr, use 2> syntax.

This link might help:

Author by


Updated on December 04, 2021


  • mpenkov
    mpenkov over 2 years

    I have a script that uses subprocesses to fetch HTML:

    misha@misha-K42Jr:~/git/domain_classifier$ python error-cut.txt html/error -N 5 HostNotFoundError HostNotFoundError HostNotFoundError HostNotFoundError SslHandshakeFailedError RemoteHostClosedError
    QFont::setPixelSize: Pixel size <= 0 (0) NoError TimeoutError

    If I run the same script, but redirect output to a file, I get nothing in the output:

    misha@misha-K42Jr:~/git/domain_classifier$ python error-cut.txt html/error -N 5 > stdout.txt
    QFont::setPixelSize: Pixel size <= 0 (0)
    misha@misha-K42Jr:~/git/domain_classifier$ cat stdout.txt

    Why is the output empty? Should it not contain the same things that were printed to stdout in the first case?

    The question is not about merge stdout and stderr but why redirected stdout produce an empty file

    • mcalex
      mcalex over 11 years
      what do you get in the file?
    • mpenkov
      mpenkov over 11 years
      The file is empty, hence cat stdout.txt prints absolutely nothing.
    • Richard Chambers
      Richard Chambers over 2 years
      What is the python source for setting up the output file handles and doing the output itself?
    • Diego Torres Milano
      Diego Torres Milano over 2 years
      If the output for both commands is different and stdout.txt is really empty then the python script acts differently if the stdout is redirected
  • mgarciaisaia
    mgarciaisaia over 11 years
    If it was echoing to stderr, wouldn't it still show at the terminal when the command is run with just stdout redirected?
  • mcalex
    mcalex over 11 years
    good point. It almost looks like stderr is actually being redirected, given the 'Pixel size' line's appearance
  • mpenkov
    mpenkov over 11 years
    stderr is correctly being printed to standard output (the pixel size stuff) as per the default behavior on linux systems. I don't want to redirect stderr, I want to redirect stdout.
  • mpenkov
    mpenkov over 11 years
    If the output was going to stderror, then I would see it in the console (as I do in the first case). In the second case, the output is being redirected to a file, but the file ends up empty.
  • m0skit0
    m0skit0 almost 5 years
    Doesn't work, file is not created
  • cristianoms
    cristianoms over 4 years
    I've been using > successfully forever and after 20 years it stopped (not sure if it has anything to do with the fact it's a python script that wasn't working). Now with the &> it worked. What's that all about?