Regex to parse image data URI


Solution 1

EDIT: expanded to show usage

var regex = new Regex(@"data:(?<mime>[\w/\-\.]+);(?<encoding>\w+),(?<data>.*)", RegexOptions.Compiled);

var match = regex.Match(input);

var mime = match.Groups["mime"].Value;
var encoding = match.Groups["encoding"].Value;
var data = match.Groups["data"].Value;

NOTE: The regex applies to the input shown in question. If there was a charset specified too, it would not work and would have to be rewritten.

Solution 2

Actually, you don't need a regex for that. According to Wikipedia, the data URI format is


so just do the following:

byte[] imagedata = Convert.FromBase64String(imageSrc.Substring(imageSrc.IndexOf(",") + 1));

Solution 3

Data URI's have a bit of complexity to them, they can contain params, media type, etc... and sometimes you need to know this info, not just the data.

To parse a data URI and extract all of the relevant parts, try this:

 * Parse a data uri and return an object with information about the different parts
 * @param {*} data_uri 
function parseDataURI(data_uri) {
    let regex = /^\s*data:(?<media_type>(?<mime_type>[a-z\-]+\/[a-z\-\+]+)(?<params>(;[a-z\-]+\=[a-z\-]+)*))?(?<encoding>;base64)?,(?<data>[a-z0-9\!\$\&\'\,\(\)\*\+\,\;\=\-\.\_\~\:\@\/\?\%\s]*\s*)$/i;
    let result = regex.exec(data_uri);
    let info = {
        media_type: result.groups.media_type,
        mime_type: result.groups.mime_type,
        params: result.groups.params,
        encoding: result.groups.encoding,
        info.params = Object.fromEntries(info.params.split(';').slice(1).map(param => param.split('=')));
        info.encoding = info.encoding.replace(';','');
    return info;

This will give you an object that has all the relevant bits parsed out, and the params as a dictionary {foo: baz}.

Example (mocha test with assert):

describe("Parse data URI", () => {
    it("Should extract data URI parts correctly",
        async ()=> {
            let uri = 'data:text/vnd-example+xyz;foo=bar;bar=baz;base64,R0lGODdh';
            let info = parseDataURI(uri);
            assert.equal(info.encoding, 'base64');
            assert.equal(, 'R0lGODdh');
            assert.equal(, 'bar');
            assert.equal(, 'baz');

Solution 4

I faced also with the need to parse the data URI scheme. As a result, I improved the regular expression given on this page specifically for C# and which fits any data URI scheme (to check the scheme, you can take it from here or here.

Here is my solution for C#:

private class DataUriModel {
  public string MediaType { get; set; }
  public string Type { get; set; }
  public string[] Tree { get; set; }
  public string Subtype { get; set; }
  public string Suffix { get; set; }
  public string[] Params { get; set; }
  public string Encoding { get; set; }
  public string Data { get; set; }

static void Main(string[] args) {
  string s = "data:image/prs.jpeg+gzip;charset=UTF-8;page=21;page=22;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD";
  var parsedUri = GetDataURI(s);

private static DataUriModel GetDataURI(string data) {
  var result = new DataUriModel();
  Regex regex = new Regex(@"^\s*data:(?<media_type>(?<type>[a-z\-]+){1}\/(?<tree>([a-z\-]+\.)+)?(?<subtype>[a-z\-]+){1}(?<suffix>\+[a-z]+)?(?<params>(;[a-z\-]+\=[a-z0-9\-\+]+)*)?)?(?<encoding>;base64)?(?<data>,+[a-z0-9\\\!\$\&\'\,\(\)\*\+\,\;\=\-\.\~\:\@\/\?\%\s]*\s*)?$", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.Multiline);
  var match = regex.Match(data);

  if (!match.Success)
    return result;

  var names = regex.GetGroupNames();
  foreach (var name in names) {
    var group = match.Groups[name];
    switch (name) {
      case "media_type": result.MediaType = group.Value; break;
      case "type": result.Type = group.Value; break;
      case "tree": result.Tree = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(group.Value) && group.Value.Length > 1 ? group.Value[0..^1].Split(".") : null; break;
      case "subtype": result.Subtype = group.Value; break;
      case "suffix": result.Suffix = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(group.Value) && group.Value.Length > 1 ? group.Value[1..] : null; break;
      case "params": result.Params = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(group.Value) && group.Value.Length > 1 ? group.Value[1..].Split(";") : null; break;
      case "encoding": result.Encoding = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(group.Value) && group.Value.Length > 1 ? group.Value[1..] : null; break;
      case "data": result.Data = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(group.Value) && group.Value.Length > 1 ? group.Value[1..] : null; break;

  return result;
Author by


Updated on June 24, 2022


  • Steven
    Steven almost 2 years

    If I have :


    How can I parse the data part into:

    • Mime type (image/gif)
    • Encoding (base64)
    • Image data (the binary data)
  • Steven
    Steven about 13 years
    Thanks for the quick response, but I would like to know the mime-type as well so that I can write the data into a file with the right extension, .png if the user submits image/png, .gif if user submits image/gif etc.
  • Steven
    Steven about 13 years
    I tried this but using matches.Groups[0].ToString() in c# it returned everything instead of the mime part. Can you expand the code.
  • Steven
    Steven about 13 years
    Here's my code: string pattern= @"data:(?<mime>[\w/]+);(?<encoding>\w+),(?<data>.*)"; Match matches = Regex.Match(imgsrc, pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline); HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("<br />match: " + matches.Groups[0].ToString());
  • Steven
    Steven about 13 years
    I think this part: imageSrc.IndexOf(",") should be imageSrc.IndexOf(",")-1 to prevent the "," from being included in the data.
  • eselk
    eselk almost 11 years
    I'd probably use this method to remove the data part, then use Split(';') to get the other parts. Also, think it should be Indexof(",")+1, not -1.. of course, in real code you would want to check for -1 (not found) result also.
  • Per Lundberg
    Per Lundberg over 10 years
    I updated the MIME part of the regexp slightly to be able to use with MIME types like application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.‌​sheet, where the \w and / is not enough to match (since . and - are not "word" characters).
  • Roger Far
    Roger Far over 7 years
    Doesn't work for data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,IVRSTlMJVFJ
  • Rhult
    Rhult about 7 years
    I know it's explicit in the question, but I found it was easier to parse without a regular expression by getting the position of the comma and then dealing with the media type/encoding part. The logic was clearer than a complicated regular expression, I could handle cases like @YesMan85 above, and I was getting a bit worried about regex performance for a long data string.
  • jazzcat
    jazzcat about 7 years
    @Steven you're right, but it's actually +1 not -1.. Edited my answer
  • Randy Burden
    Randy Burden about 3 years
    Thanks, this worked for me. This was the first time I ran into the C# range operator and since I'm using an older version of C# I had to substitute the uses of the Range Operator with calls to Substring(). e.g. instead of group.Value[1..], I used group.Value.Substring(1)
  • werehamster
    werehamster over 2 years
    final part of the regex captures trailing whitespace, so your can end with spaces and tabs and such like. Move the final bracket before the \s eg: regex = /^\sdata:(?<media_type>(?<mime_type>[a-z\-]+\/[a-z\-\+]+)(?<‌​params>(;[a-z\-]+\=[‌​a-z\-]+)))?(?<encodi‌​ng>;base64)?,(?<data‌​>[a-z0-9\!\$\&\'\,&#‌​40;)*\+\,\;\=\-\‌​._\~\:\@\/\?\%\s])*\‌​s*$/i;