Remove editions of Windows 7 Iso


First run Dism /Get-WimInfo /WimFile:DVDDRIVELETTER:\sources\install.wim to see which index the Edition has you want to have alone:

Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool Version: 6.3.9600.17029

Details for image : E:\sources\install.wim

Index : 1 Name : Windows 7 HOMEBASIC Description : Windows 7 HOMEBASIC Size : 11.623.452.494 bytes

Index : 2 Name : Windows 7 HOMEPREMIUM Description : Windows 7 HOMEPREMIUM Size : 12.136.659.100 bytes

Index : 3 Name : Windows 7 PROFESSIONAL Description : Windows 7 PROFESSIONAL Size : 12.037.929.390 bytes

Index : 4 Name : Windows 7 ULTIMATE Description : Windows 7 ULTIMATE Size : 12.200.638.813 bytes

The operation completed successfully.

You want ultimate so run this command with the index 4 for Ultimate:

Dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:DVDDRIVELETTER:\sources\install.wim /SourceIndex:4 /DestinationImageFile:C:\Win7Ultimate\sources\install.wim /DestinationName:"Windows 7 Ultimate"

This new ISO should now only include the Ultimate Edition.


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I'm Julián Paniagua (CodigosTutoriales) and I teach programming in YouTube and Udemy. I'm a 19 year-old computer programmer, I started programming since I was 9 (almost 10). I enjoy developing software, like Android applications, websites, Windows programs, MS Office macros, libraries/frameworks for developers, etc. I'm learning to develop iOS apps to improve my skills. Now I'm trying to apply for college.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • CodigosTutoriales
    CodigosTutoriales over 1 year

    I downloaded an ISO of Windows 7 64 bits, I have a problem: I saw 4 editions in .clg files (home basic, premium, professional and ultimate), I opened install.wim with 7zip and I saw folders called 1,2,3 and 4. I suppose numbers are the 4 editions I mentioned. How to remove editions from ISO? My problem is those editions makes iso size be up to 5.5 GB. I just need ultimate, no more editions needed.

    • CharlieRB
      CharlieRB about 8 years
      Where did you download the ISO from? Did you use the Microsoft site to do so? The media creation tool will help you get only the version you need.
    • Ramhound
      Ramhound about 8 years
    • CodigosTutoriales
      CodigosTutoriales about 8 years
      I downloaded it from… (site is in spanish). I cannot download it from Microsoft because I'll waste GB of my quota (I have a limited quota for normal speed and an unlimited one for a slower speed), on the other hand, the media creation tool of Windows 7 requires a genuine serial key before download, I don't have a legal copy of Windows.
  • CodigosTutoriales
    CodigosTutoriales about 8 years
    /Export-Image causes error 87 The export-image is unknown
  • magicandre1981
    magicandre1981 about 8 years
    install the Win8.1/win10 ADK (Deployment Tools) and run the deployment tools CMD and run the DISM command now
  • CodigosTutoriales
    CodigosTutoriales about 8 years
    New comment (not related with first comment): If install.wim contains only one edition of Windows, Do I have to delete .clg files of editions different to ultimate?
  • magicandre1981
    magicandre1981 about 8 years
    the clg is only used by the Windows System Image Manager. you can ignore the files.
  • Pratik Patil
    Pratik Patil about 6 years
    During Export-Image, Can we give comma separated index numbers as SourceIndex if we want more than one edition in the DestinationImageFile ?
  • Nathan2055
    Nathan2055 about 5 years
    @TsYYaYY1ud121a If DISM throws an error for either of the above commands, then you should try installing the Windows ADK and using the version of DISM included along with it. Sometimes the DISM included with your Windows install runs into weird issues on newer images.
  • acgbox
    acgbox over 2 years
    @magicandre1981 ignore or delete? (in case only one edition of Windows) thanks