Removing Add-ins for SQL Server Management Studio


Solution 1

And now for the correct answer

To remove all addin from SQL Server Management Studio. Delete all keys from:

      • Wow6432Node
        • Microsoft
          • Microsoft SQL Server
            • 100
              • Tools
                • Shell
                  • AddIns

enter image description here

I didn't ask RedGate to slow down my SSMS with no way to disable it.

Solution 2

I had same issue under 120. It seems Addins are now stored in Program Data. I renamed file but didn't help. I had to open/run SSMS in Administrator mode and this fixed it. Later I deleted the Addin from folder "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\SQL Server Management Studio\12.0\Addins". May be you can try renaming the Addin with "_". That was the only difference in me renaming the file and SSMS in Admin mode renaming it.

Solution 3

I had the same error when loading SQL Server, an Add-in from another related application was giving that error. I didn't need that Add-in, but couldn't remove it. Even removing from the registry (thanks for posting that by the way) didn't work for me. I had to uninstall and reinstall the related application (Toad for SQL Server) and the "Add-in" was no longer an issue.

Author by


I'm a Software Engineer.

Updated on July 05, 2022


  • Shahar
    Shahar almost 2 years

    I have SQL server 2008 R2 installed.

    In the past I have installed the Redgate Sql Promprt 5 add-in. It doesn't work anymore, but I still have the menu in the SQL Management Studio.

    I don't see the add-in in the Programs and features list in windows 7, so I can't uninstall it. When I click on a command in the menu I get this message:

    The Add-in supporting this command could not be loaded. Do you wish to remove the command?

    When I choose "Yes" it removes only the selected command from the menu.

    I want to completely remove the add-in from my Management Studio.

    Where can I find the add-ins and where can I configure them in Management Studio 2008 R2?

    If I need to remove some files to get rid of it, where could I find these files? I looked in the installation folder and didn't find anything about add-ins...