Removing Apache from Debian 5


Try apt-get remove apache2-utils.

In Debian 5, Apache is split into multiple packages:

  1. apache2
  2. apache2-mpm-prefork (or apache2-mpm-worker or apache2-mpm-event)
  3. apache2.2-common
  4. apache2-utils

There are interdependencies: (1) depends on (2), which depends on (3), which depends on (4). Therefore, removing (4) causes all of them to be removed. (The apache2 package doesn't contain much in itself; it just exists so that you can do apt-get install apache2 to conveniently install all of those packages.)


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PHP, Javascript, and Go Application developer responsible for over 50 open source projects and libraries at By default I build Go backends with AngularJS frontends. Thanks to Ionic and Electron this even works for mobile and desktop apps. Bash, PHP, Python, Node.js, and random linux libraries are used for specific tasks because of the size of the ecosystems or libraries for odd jobs.

Updated on September 17, 2022


  • Xeoncross
    Xeoncross almost 2 years

    I had Debian 5 installed on my VPS but I found that it came with apache2 already up and running. I tried

    apt-get remove apache2

    but it said that apache2 wasn't running. I checked top and yep, there it was. So then I turned it off.

    /etc/init.d/apache2 stop

    which worked fine and shut the daemon down. However, I still can't remove it. I tried aptitude remove but it says that it isn't installed.

    What is going on?

  • Xeoncross
    Xeoncross almost 14 years
    Ah, perfect! Cleaned it right up.
  • Milad Naseri
    Milad Naseri over 11 years
    I can verify that this applies to Debian 6, too.