Reset Axes in Matlab


Solution 1

After you clear the image, issue this command


you can replace gca with your current handle.

Solution 2

The easiest solution may actually be to leave out the 'reset' argument to CLA:


This will have the effect of clearing the image object from the axes, but leaving the axes settings unchanged (i.e. the axes will still be invisible).

Nadeeshani Jayathilake
Author by

Nadeeshani Jayathilake

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Nadeeshani Jayathilake
    Nadeeshani Jayathilake almost 2 years

    There is a axes named image in which I show the image when the user presses the browse button.

    imshow(orgImg, 'Parent', handles.image);

    Then I do image processing stuff.

    There is a clear button to clear that image shown in image axes after done all the processing. I used cla(handles.image,'reset'); This clear the image from axes. But, it displays the XTick and YTick as 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5 and so on and also XColor and YColor as black.

    I don't want XTick and YTick values to be displayed on axes and also color should be white. But I need to display the axes without above values. Now it shows the axes with above values.

    How can I remove those properties?

    • Nadeeshani Jayathilake
      Nadeeshani Jayathilake about 13 years
      I found the answer. :) cla(handles.image,'reset'); set(handles.image,'YTick',NaN); set(handles.image,'XTick',NaN); set(handles.image,'XColor','white'); set(handles.image,'YColor','white');