Reset weights in Keras layer


Solution 1

Save the initial weights right after compiling the model but before training it:


and then after training, "reset" the model by reloading the initial weights:


This gives you an apples to apples model to compare different data sets and should be quicker than recompiling the entire model.

Solution 2

Reset all layers by checking for initializers:

def reset_weights(model):
    import keras.backend as K
    session = K.get_session()
    for layer in model.layers: 
        if hasattr(layer, 'kernel_initializer'): 
        if hasattr(layer, 'bias_initializer'):

Update: kernel_initializer is kernel.initializer now.

Solution 3

If you want to truly re-randomize the weights, and not merely restore the initial weights, you can do the following. The code is slightly different depending on whether you're using TensorFlow or Theano.

from keras.initializers import glorot_uniform  # Or your initializer of choice
import keras.backend as K

initial_weights = model.get_weights()

backend_name = K.backend()
if backend_name == 'tensorflow': 
    k_eval = lambda placeholder: placeholder.eval(session=K.get_session())
elif backend_name == 'theano': 
    k_eval = lambda placeholder: placeholder.eval()
    raise ValueError("Unsupported backend")

new_weights = [k_eval(glorot_uniform()(w.shape)) for w in initial_weights]


Solution 4

I have found the clone_model function that creates a cloned network with the same architecture but new model weights.

Example of use:

model_cloned = tensorflow.keras.models.clone_model(model_base)

Comparing the weights:

original_weights = model_base.get_weights()
print("Original weights", original_weights)
model_cloned = tensorflow.keras.models.clone_model(model_base)
new_weights = model_cloned.get_weights()
print("New weights", new_weights)

If you execute this code several times, you will notice that the cloned model receives new weights each time.

Solution 5

Tensorflow 2 answer:

for ix, layer in enumerate(model.layers):
    if hasattr(model.layers[ix], 'kernel_initializer') and \
            hasattr(model.layers[ix], 'bias_initializer'):
        weight_initializer = model.layers[ix].kernel_initializer
        bias_initializer = model.layers[ix].bias_initializer

        old_weights, old_biases = model.layers[ix].get_weights()


Original weights:

array([ 0.4450057 , -0.13564804,  0.35884023,  0.41411972,  0.24866664,
        0.07641453,  0.45726687, -0.04410008,  0.33194816, -0.1965386 ,
       -0.38438258, -0.13263905, -0.23807487,  0.40130925, -0.07339832,
        0.20535922], dtype=float32)

New weights:

array([-0.4607593 , -0.13104361, -0.0372932 , -0.34242013,  0.12066692,
       -0.39146423,  0.3247317 ,  0.2635846 , -0.10496247, -0.40134245,
        0.19276887,  0.2652442 , -0.18802321, -0.18488845,  0.0826562 ,
       -0.23322225], dtype=float32)


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Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Tor
    Tor almost 2 years

    I'd like to reset (randomize) the weights of all layers in my Keras (deep learning) model. The reason is that I want to be able to train the model several times with different data splits without having to do the (slow) model recompilation every time.

    Inspired by this discussion, I'm trying the following code:

    # Reset weights
    for layer in KModel.layers:
        if hasattr(layer,'init'):
            input_dim = layer.input_shape[1]
            new_weights = layer.init((input_dim, layer.output_dim),name='{}_W'.format(

    However, it only partly works.

    Partly, becuase I've inspected some layer.get_weights() values, and they seem to change. But when I restart the training, the cost values are much lower than the initial cost values on the first run. It's almost like I've succeeded resetting some of the weights, but not all of them.

  • Tor
    Tor about 7 years
    I ended up doing something similar. Saving to disk and loading takes a lot of time, so I just keep the weights in a variable: weights = model.get_weights() I get the initial weights like this before running the first training. Then, before each subsequentt training, I reload the initial weights and run jkleint's shuffle method, as mentioned in the link that I posted. Seems to work smoothly..
  • BallpointBen
    BallpointBen about 6 years
    For the full code snippet of @Tor's suggestion: weights = model.get_weights(), model.compile(args),, model.set_weights(weights)
  • bendl
    bendl over 5 years
    Not quite as portable but works well for tensorflow backend!
  • guillefix
    guillefix over 5 years
    Nice and simple solution!
  • Bersan
    Bersan over 5 years
    Cannot evaluate tensor using `eval()`: No default session is registered.
  • SuperNES
    SuperNES over 5 years
    This is the best approach in my view.
  • Xiaohong Deng
    Xiaohong Deng about 5 years
    Is it outdated? Now kernel_initializer has no attribute run. In my case kernel_initializer is a VarianceScaling object
  • Andrew
    Andrew almost 5 years
    Based on this, I've started making a lambda function when I initialize my model. I build the model, then do something like weights = model.get_weights(); reset_model = lambda model: model.set_weights(weights), that way I can just call reset_model(model) later.
  • tkchris
    tkchris almost 5 years
    @XiaohongDeng try instead. I had the same problem
  • Bersan
    Bersan over 4 years
    AttributeError: module 'tensorflow_core.keras.backend' has no attribute 'get_session' using tensorflow.keras
  • Mendi Barel
    Mendi Barel over 4 years
    Yes, it won't work in tf2, look here toward the end for tf2:
  • isobretatel
    isobretatel over 3 years
    RuntimeError: You must compile your model before training/testing. Use model.compile(optimizer, loss).
  • Agustin Barrachina
    Agustin Barrachina over 2 years
    This has an obvious issue, all models will have the same starting weights. What we want (I think) is weights to be randomly initialized again.