resize html table TDs with javascript


Three changes are required.

1st Change - Pass a parameter determining which col has been selected (removing other information only for clarity)

 <td onmousedown="setPosition(event,1);" />
 <td onmousedown="setPosition(event,2);" />

2nd Change - Save the col which has been selected

function setNewPosition(e,col) {
colSelected = col;

3rd Change - Change width based on which col has been selected

if(colSelected == 1) = tpos1+ "px";
else if(colSelected == 2) = tpos2+ "px";

UPDATE: Try this instead - = tpos1+ "px"; // = tpos2+ "px";

Though I would recommend that you check out these questions - Resizable table columns with bz code

Also the following jsFiddle

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If you wanna know more you ask more !

Updated on June 04, 2022


  • Drwhite
    Drwhite almost 2 years

    I have this html table:

            <td id="c0">bla</td>
            <td class="Resizor" id="c01" onmousedown="setPosition(event);" onmouseover="setResizeColumns(&#39;c01&#39;, &#39;c0&#39;, &#39;c1&#39;);">&nbsp;</td>
            <td id="c1">bla</td>
            <td class="Resizor" id="c12" onmousedown="setPosition(event);" onmouseover="setResizeColumns(&#39;c12&#39;, &#39;c1&#39;, &#39;c2&#39;);">&nbsp;</td>
            <td id="c2" >bla</td>

    And this is my js script:

    var MinSize=0;
    var _startPosition = 0;
    var _diffPosition = 0;
    var _allowMove = false;
    var _resizerColumn = null;
    var _firstColumn = null;
    var _secondColumn = null;
    var _resizerColumnLeft = 0;
    var _resizerColumnWidth = 0;
    var _firstColumnLeft = 0;
    var _firstColumnWidth = 0;
    var _secondColumnLeft = 0;
    var _secondColumnWidth = 0;
    var _systemEvent = null;
    if (navigator.appName == 'Netscape') {
        document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE | Event.MOUSEUP | Event.ONLOAD);
    document.onmouseup = disableMouseMovement;
    document.onmousemove = setNewPosition;
    function setPosition(e) {
        // Called for OnMouseDown event
        if (navigator.appName == 'Netscape') {
        _systemEvent = e;
        } else {
        _systemEvent = event;
        _startPosition = _systemEvent.clientX;
        _allowMove = true;  
        _resizerColumnLeft = findPosX(_resizerColumn);
        _resizerColumnWidth = _resizerColumn.offsetWidth; //;
        _firstColumnLeft = findPosX(_firstColumn);
        _firstColumnWidth = _firstColumn.offsetWidth; //;
        _secondColumnLeft = findPosX(_secondColumn);
        _secondColumnWidth = _secondColumn.offsetWidth; //;
        return true;
    function setResizeColumns(resizerColumn, firstColumn, secondColumn) {
        // Called for OnMouseOver event
        // resizerColumn is the actual object of the column that will be moved so that
        // firstColumn and secondColumn can be resized.
        // firstColumn will have its dimensions either grown or shrunk.
        // secondColumn will have the exact opposite done to it that firstColumn has.
        // If firstColumn is shrink by 60px, secondColumn is grown by 60px, the opposite also holds true.
        if (_allowMove == false) {
            _resizerColumn = resizerColumn;
            _firstColumn = firstColumn;
            _secondColumn = secondColumn;
        return true;
    function disableMouseMovement(e) {
        // Called for OnMouseUp event
        _allowMove = false;
        return false;
    function setNewPosition(e) {
        // Called for OnMouseMove event
        // BEGIN_HACK so that setPosition() can work.
        if (navigator.appName == 'Netscape') {
        _systemEvent = e;
        } else {
        _systemEvent = event;
        // END_HACK
        newPosition = _systemEvent.clientX;
        if (_allowMove) {
            _diffPosition = _startPosition - newPosition;
            var tpos1 = (parseInt(_firstColumnWidth) - parseInt(_diffPosition)) ;
            var tpos2 = (parseInt(_secondColumnWidth) + parseInt(_diffPosition)) ;
            if (tpos1<MinSize) return;
            if ((tpos2<MinSize) && (_firstColumnWidth>tpos1)) return;
            if (tpos2<0) tpos2=0;
            if (tpos1<0) tpos1=0;
   = tpos1+ "px";
   = tpos2+ "px";
        return true;
    function findPosX(obj) {
        var curleft = 0;
        if (obj.offsetParent){
            while (obj.offsetParent){
                curleft += obj.offsetLeft
                obj = obj.offsetParent;
        else if (obj.x)
        curleft += obj.x;
        return curleft;
    function findPosY(obj){
        var curtop = 0;
        if (obj.offsetParent){
            while (obj.offsetParent){
                curtop += obj.offsetTop
                obj = obj.offsetParent;
        else if (obj.y)
        curtop += obj.y;
        return curtop;

    I want to resize <Td> over 100% of the table's width and didnt stop resizing by adding horizental scroll that will not be fixed to 100% of screen The problem with my code is it fix width to 100% (see demo). is there a solution for that ?