Resultset To List


Solution 1

You need to iterate over the ResultSet object in a loop, row by row, to pull out each column value:

List ll = new LinkedList();
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT userid, username FROM USER");

// Fetch each row from the result set
while ( {
  int i = rs.getInt("userid");
  String str = rs.getString("username");

  //Assuming you have a user object
  User user = new User(i, str);


Solution 2

A ResultSet should never get as far as a JSP. It should be mapping into a data structure or object and closed inside the method scope in which it was created. It's a database cursor, a scarce resource. Your app will run out of them soon if you persist with such a design.

Solution 3

You could always use Commons DbUtils and the MapListHandler. From the doc:

ResultSetHandler implementation that converts a ResultSet into a List of Maps

so it'll take a lot of boilerplate code out of your hands.

Gnaniyar Zubair
Author by

Gnaniyar Zubair

Having 5 years of Experience of Portal Technology , working in Chennai.

Updated on January 26, 2020


  • Gnaniyar Zubair
    Gnaniyar Zubair over 4 years

    I want to convert my Resultset to List in my JSP page. and want to display all the values. This is my query:

    SELECT userId, userName 
      FROM user;

    I have executed that using preparedstatement and got the Resultset. But how to convert it as a List and want to display the result like this:

    userID  userName
    1001    user-X 
    1006    user-Y  
    1007    user-Z