Routes.push() not working as expected at NextJS


Solution 1

It seems you were using next-router dependecy?

Try to use next/router (default dependency from nextjs), it works fine in my code:

import Router from "next/router";

{ other code... }


Solution 2

I have the same problem and found a workaround, but not a solution. I use window.location

//keep your base urls in a global variables file
import { devUri, productionUri } from "../globalVariables";

push = (route = "") => {
  const uri = process.env.NODE_ENV === "production" ? productionUri : devUri;
  window.location = uri + '/' + route

push() //navigates to your base uri


You could save that function into your version of globalVariables.js, and import as needed (much the same way you import other functions from 3rd party modules)

import { devUri, productionUri, push } from "../globalVariables";

BTW, I run into the exact same issues you're having: Router.push("/") or any other address that exists just doesn't seem to fire at all, Router.push("/unexistentlocation") works normally

Laura Beatris
Author by

Laura Beatris

Learning -> creating -> teaching 💫

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Laura Beatris
    Laura Beatris almost 2 years

    I am trying to redirect the user to the homepage when he tries to access the dashboard of the app without being authenticated, but the Route.push() is not working.

    I tried to change Router.push('/') to Router.push('/hey') -> a page that does not exists, and this worked, the route changed. Also when I try to access a path like this Router.push('/auth/signin'), it doesn't work while Router.push('/auth') works

    import { isAuthenticated } from "../helpers/auth";
    import { Component } from "react";
    import { Router } from "../routes";
    class Ads extends Component {
      // static async getInitialProps(ctx) {
      //   if (ctx && ctx.req) {
      //     console.log(ctx);
      //     //ctx.res.writeHead(302, { Location: `/` });
      //     ctx.res.end();
      //   } else {
      //     console.log("client side");
      //     console.log(localStorage.getItem("auth-token"));
      //   }
      // }
      handleAuthentication = () => {
        if (localStorage.getItem("auth-token")) {
          return true;
      componentDidMount() {
        if (this.handleAuthentication()) {
        } else {
      render() {
        return (
            <p> Dashboard </p>
    export default Ads;
  • Laura Beatris
    Laura Beatris over 4 years
    Now i changed to Router.push("/ads", "/"), and the url is changing but is not redirecting. That's my repo:
  • Darryl RN
    Darryl RN over 4 years
    Have you tried to add the third parameter shallow true? Seems you want to use an alias, read the documentation here Router.push(href, as, { shallow: true })
  • Laura Beatris
    Laura Beatris over 4 years
    Now i did this: ` componentDidMount() { const as = "/"; if (!localStorage.getItem("auth-token")) { Router.push("/ads", as, { shallow: true }); //window.location.reload(); } } ` And still just changing the url, like, localhost:3000/ads to localhost:3000, thats what i want, but the page still on the same place
  • Mario
    Mario almost 4 years
    I am experimenting the same problem, Any idea how to fix it?
  • Darryl RN
    Darryl RN almost 4 years
    @LauraBeatris I'm able to use next/router and redirect to your auth/signin in your repo. I replace import { Router } from "../routes"; with import Router from "next/router";. Then add Router.push("/auth/signin"); in ln.28 and it works. Redirect unauthorized user to your signin page.
  • Darryl RN
    Darryl RN almost 4 years
    @user615274 what is your problem? using the same next-router dependency?
  • Wizard
    Wizard almost 2 years
    Check your console, you may have a runtime error preventing the page from proceeding. In my case I had an error "Maximum update depth exceeded" which was stopping router.push from completing