RowNumber() and SUM() in one query


you can also do sum(field) over (...)

  row_number() over (partition by ca.logical_number order by t.timestamp DESC) as rownumber,
  sum(amount_transfered) over (partition by ca.logical_number ) as total_amount_transfered
from ...
Author by


Updated on June 20, 2022


  • Admin
    Admin about 2 years

    is there some way who to get last record using rownumber() and SUM of one field (money in this case)? I've tried to come up with a query like:

                 CAST(t.timestamp AS DATE)              AS [date]
                ,.../some fields/
                ,row_number() over (partition by ca.logical_number order by t.timestamp DESC) as rownumber --last update(record) transaction
                --,amount_transferred = 
                --  SELECT
                --      ,SUM(t.money_value)     AS  amount_transferred
                --   FROM
                --      TO_Transaction t
                --  GROUP BY
                --      CAST(t.timestamp AS Date)
            ) AS t
        WHERE rownumber=1

    What the query is supposed to do is to find current purse balance and all money transferred during a day. Any help would be aprreciated. Thanks.

  • Jamiec
    Jamiec about 7 years
    Thanks @Gordon - order by makes no sense in a sum.
  • Admin
    Admin about 7 years
    My godness, it probably works! :-) Will mark as right answer when the time needed before expires.
  • Jamiec
    Jamiec about 7 years
    @StanislavJirák shocking!
  • Admin
    Admin about 7 years
    I'm new to SQL and after some time spent, I was going to split the procedure into 2 pieces.
  • Jamiec
    Jamiec about 7 years
    I'm old to sql and the day i realised i could add an over() to any aggregate function was a good day!
  • Admin
    Admin about 7 years
    Yes, it seems over() is quite handy. This is good day fro me!