Ruby Fibonacci algorithm


Solution 1

Naive fibonacci makes a lot of repeat calculations - in fib(14) fib(4) is calculated many times.

You can add memoization to your algorithm to make it a lot faster:

def fib(n, memo = {})
  if n == 0 || n == 1
    return n
  memo[n] ||= fib(n-1, memo) + fib(n-2, memo)
fib 14
# => 377
fib 24
# => 46368
fib 124
# => 36726740705505779255899443

Solution 2

As others have pointed out, your implementation's run time grows exponentially in n. There are much cleaner implementations.

Constructive [O(n) run time, O(1) storage]:

def fib(n)
  raise "fib not defined for negative numbers" if n < 0
  new, old = 1, 0
  n.times {new, old = new + old, new}

Memoized recursion [O(n) run time, O(n) storage]:

def fib_memo(n, memo)
  memo[n] ||= fib_memo(n-1, memo) + fib_memo(n-2, memo)

def fib(n)
  raise "fib not defined for negative numbers" if n < 0
  fib_memo(n, [0, 1])

Recursive powers of a matrix multiplication using squared halving of the power for when you just gotta know really big factorials like 1_000_000.fib [O(log n) run time and storage (on stack)]:

def matrix_fib(n)
  if n == 1
    f = matrix_fib(n/2)
    c = f[0] * f[0] + f[1] * f[1]
    d = f[1] * (f[1] + 2 * f[0])
    n.even? ? [c,d] : [d,c+d]

def fib(n)
  raise "fib not defined for negative numbers" if n < 0 ? n : matrix_fib(n)[1]

Solution 3

Your program has exponential runtime due to the recursion you use.

Expanding only the recursive calls a few levels to show you why:

fib(14) = fib(13) + fib(12)
        = (fib(12) + fib(11)) + (fib(11) + fib (10))
        = (((fib(11) + fib(10)) + (fib(10) + fib(9))) (((fib(10) + fib(9)) + (fib(9) + fib(8)))
        = ... //a ton more calls

The terrible runtime might be causing your program to hang, as increasing fib(n) by 1 means you have a TON more recursive calls

Solution 4

your program overflows as Kevin L explained.

instead, you can use an iterative algorithm like this:

def fib (n)
  return 0 if n == 0
  return 1 if n == 1 or n == 2

  x = 0
  y = 1

  (2..n).each do
    z = (x + y)
    x = y
    y = z

  return y

(0..14).map { |n| fib(n) }
# [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377]

Solution 5

I tried comparing the run time of two fibonacci methods on

require 'benchmark'

def fib_memo(n, memo = {})
  if n == 0 || n == 1
    return n
  memo[n] ||= fib_memo(n-1, memo) + fib_memo(n-2, memo)

def fib_naive(n)
  if n == 0 || n == 1
    return n
  fib_naive(n-1) + fib_naive(n-2)

def time(&block) 
  puts Benchmark.measure(&block) 

time {fib_memo(14)}
time {fib_naive(14)}


0.000000   0.000000   0.000000 (  0.000008)
0.000000   0.000000   0.000000 (  0.000099)

As you can see, the runtime is quite different. As @Uri Agassi suggested, use memoization. The concept is explained quite well here

Author by


Updated on December 08, 2022


  • user3769323
    user3769323 over 1 year

    The following is a method I wrote to calculate a value in the Fibonacci sequence:

    def fib(n)
        if n == 0
            return 0
        if n == 1
            return 1
        if n >= 2
            return fib(n-1) + (fib(n-2))

    It works uptil n = 14, but after that I get a message saying the program is taking too long to respond (I'm using Anyone know why this is happening?

  • Casimir et Hippolyte
    Casimir et Hippolyte almost 10 years
    I have dreamed about that and Ruby makes it possible.
  • Daniël Knippers
    Daniël Knippers almost 10 years
    Your code does not run by the way, there should not be an end after the if before the else, and range is not valid either. I will edit your code to make it work, revert / adjust if you disagree.
  • sertsedat
    sertsedat almost 10 years
    well, I just wrote it with a sleepy head, I would appreciate the edit.
  • pjs
    pjs almost 10 years
    Very elegant, nice job.
  • Anatoly
    Anatoly over 8 years
    this called not caching but memoization instead
  • JCC
    JCC about 4 years
    This method seems to return the number after the one you want. fib(5) should return 3 and not 5 which is the number after.
  • Uri Agassi
    Uri Agassi about 4 years
    @JCC - like everything in computing - this was implemented as a zero based vector, meaning the first element is fib(0). This means that fib(5) retrieves the 6th element in the list...
  • JCC
    JCC about 4 years
    @UriAgassi What would we have to do to make it start on fib(1)?
  • Uri Agassi
    Uri Agassi about 4 years
    @JCC - that's a great question - give it a try! see if you can make the minimal change to enable this - remember to check rigorously (including edge cases!)
  • Pablo
    Pablo over 3 years
    The Fibonacci series is: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21.... Your algorithm is not producing the correct result. For example, for the 20th element in the fibonacci series it returns 10946 instead of 6765; it's doing an extra iteration. Also, it should return 1 when the input is 2. To fix these issues, the range shoud be (2..n) and you should add the line return 1 if n == 2. I like your algorithm though.