Ruby on Rails: How can I revert a migration with rake db:migrate?


Solution 1

Run the following command

rake db:migrate:down VERSION=<version>

where <version> is the version number of your migration file you want to revert.

eg. if you want to revert a migration with file name 3846656238_create_users.rb

rake db:migrate:down VERSION=3846656238

Solution 2

Just run this command:

rake db:rollback

Solution 3

I believe there are three options available for reverting migrations (they also overlap):

  1. Roll down the most recent migration:

    rake db:migrate:down # Rails 2 only.

  2. Roll down a number(n) of recent migrations:

    rake db:rollback STEP=n

  3. Roll down to a previous, specific version:

    $ rake db:migrate:down VERSION=nnn # Rails 3 (provide version number also).

Version Number means the SHA(Secure Hash Algorithm) for the commit which is a long hexadecimal number which looks something like 886af3194768917c78e... You can see it by doing git log

You can see these commands (and others) with their descriptions by using rake -T db: which for rails 3.2 includes:

rake db:migrate         # Migrate the database (options: VERSION=x, VERBOSE=false)
rake db:migrate:status  # Display status of migrations
rake db:rollback        # Rolls the schema back to the previous version (specify steps w/ STEP=n)

Solution 4

You can do rollback and specify how many last migrations will be rollbacked, e.g.

rake db:rollback STEP=3

for 3 last migrations.

Solution 5

As an new programmer (or to other new programmers)

rake db:rollback works about half the time. I start there.

If not, rake db:migrate:down VERSION=3846656238

plug in VERSION for the version number of your migration file you want to revert.

Author by


Updated on August 02, 2020


  • shibly
    shibly almost 4 years

    After installing devise MODEL User i got this.

    class DeviseCreateUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
      def self.up
        create_table(:users) do |t|
          t.database_authenticatable :null => false
          # t.encryptable
          # t.confirmable
          # t.lockable :lock_strategy => :failed_attempts, :unlock_strategy => :both
          # t.token_authenticatable
        add_index :users, :email,                :unique => true
        add_index :users, :reset_password_token, :unique => true
        # add_index :users, :confirmation_token,   :unique => true
        # add_index :users, :unlock_token,         :unique => true
        # add_index :users, :authentication_token, :unique => true
      def self.down
        drop_table :users

    Now if i do rake db:migrate the users table will be created.

    How can i revert this migration, i.e. how can I delete the users table using rake again ?

  • Ajedi32
    Ajedi32 almost 11 years
    Roll down to a specific version: rake db:migrate VERSION=<version number>
  • martin
    martin almost 11 years
    At least for rails 3.0.20, the first command is wrong. A single rake db:migrate:down aborts with the error message "VERSION is required". The recommended rake db:rollback however works.
  • Michael Durrant
    Michael Durrant almost 10 years
    As detailed in the answer, Rails 2 ONLY for the first commmand.
  • Kostas Rousis
    Kostas Rousis almost 10 years
    Environment variables are case sensitive so it should be STEP and VERSION
  • tf.rz
    tf.rz about 8 years
    I'm getting an UnknownMigrationVersionError but I figured out it's because my migrations are inside db/migrate/main , does anybody know a workaround for this to have db:migrate:down look inside that specific directory or the migrate subdirectories?
  • johnml
    johnml almost 8 years
    To clarify, $ rake db:migrate:down VERSION=nnn doesn't roll down to a version, it migrates down the version specified.
  • Pre-alpha
    Pre-alpha about 7 years
    this is a more quicker and easier way, instead of looking up version numbers if you want to undo the last few migrations
  • morhook
    morhook over 5 years
    This is just for rails 3 onwards. My life is in rails 2. So sad
  • Mahesh
    Mahesh about 5 years
    @morhook This works for rails 3 also. Check the docs here
  • morhook
    morhook about 5 years
    You are right! It works for both rails 2 and rails 3. Thanks @Mahesh for your input!