running nose --with-coverage to get all the package files, but not other dependencies and libs


Solution 1

I had a very similar problem with generated code. The solution was to exclude the generated code or tools code in your case only from the reports.

So we now use nosetests to run our tests like

nosetests --with-coverage --cover-inclusive --cover-package=$(PACKAGE)

and afterwards, we create the reports manually, so

coverage combine
coverage report --omit 'tools/*'

Thus, will cover your tools package, but they won't show up in the reports.

Solution 2

my tests/nose_setup_coverage.cfg file:



#this is the line that fixed my equivalent of your issue
#by "climbing up" from tests/ but skipping python's **site-packages**


adding cover-package=.. (in the cfg file) and executing from within the tests directory got me to cover all my python directories, but not django and other 3rd party stuff.

This is my directory structure (minus some non-Python stuff):

├── lib
├── non_app
├── ps_catalog
├── pssecurity
├── pssystem
├── static
├── static_src
├── staticfiles
├── templates
├── tests
└── websec

last, though it doesn't seem documented, coverage, as run from nosetests, will pick and use a .coveragerc file in the current (test) directory (you can't pass it via commandline or in the nose cfg file, that's for the cover plugin).

In that file, the omit section allows you finer control on which directories to exclude:


executing the tests in bash:

nosetests -c nose_setup_coverage.cfg

p.s. adding --cover-erase to the above, resets coverage

edit, FWIW:

I've generally replaced nose/nose2 with pytest as a test runner. If you don't bring in advanced pytest functionality, it will work just fine with plain old unittests and has a lot more plugins, support and active development. This is not to diss nose, or to promote pytest, but just saying that's an alternative to consider if you are repeatedly hitting edge cases with nose.

Solution 3

By default tests will not be included in the coverage report. You can make them show up (actually a very good idea to make sure your tests are properly executed, and no duplicate name tests are being ignored) with --cover-tests

In any case, nosetests --help is your friend. Most likely --cover-inclusive flag kills off coverage plugin and other options (for the plugin) become unavailable. You can try to debug it by launching nose through pdb.

As alternative you can run coverage as a standalone module launching nose tests.

Author by


Enthusiastic about opensource and free software. pythonista and webdev. trying to make a difference.

Updated on May 03, 2020


  • alonisser
    alonisser about 4 years

    My project folder(yeah - I know it's best practice) is something like:

    ├── tests/
    └── tools/

    I need nose --with-coverage to test the .py scripts in the main folder, tools folder and exclude the tests folder (although I don't really care about excluding that)

    When I run basic

    nose --with-coverage

    I get coverage on all installed dependencies and libs (flask, requests, etc)

    when I run

    nose --with-coverage --cover-package=folder name (or . or ./)

    I get coverage for the tests folder. the tools/ file and but not for the rest of the scripts:

    > (opentaba-server) D:\username\pathto\opentaba-server>nosetests --with-coverage -- cover-package=./ ... Name                                      
    > Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
    > ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Tests\functional_tests\test_return_json      26      0   100%
    > Tests\unit_test\test_createdb                 0      0   100%
    > Tests\unit_test\test_scrape                   0      0   100% app     
    > 63     15    76%   22, 24, 72-81, 8 8-106, 133 tools\__init__         
    > 0      0   100%
    > ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL                                        89     15    83%
    > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 3 tests in 5.182s OK

    When I run with the --cover-inclusive flag . It just fails with : error: no such option: --with-coverage

    I'll be glad for any help with this