Can I restrict nose coverage output to directory (rather than package)?


Solution 1

You can use it like this:

--cover-package=foo --cover-package=bar

I had a quick look at nose source code to confirm: This is the line

    if options.cover_packages:
        for pkgs in [tolist(x) for x in options.cover_packages]:

Solution 2

You can use:


or even set environment variable


Tested with nose 1.1.2

Solution 3

I have a lot of top-level Python files/packages and find it annoying to list them all manually using --cover-package, so I made two aliases for myself. Alias nosetests_cover will run coverage with all your top-level Python files/packages listed in --cover-package. Alias nosetests_cover_sort will do the same and additionally sort your results by coverage percentage.

nosetests_cover_cmd="nosetests --with-coverage --cover-erase --cover-inclusive --cover-package=\$( ls | sed -r 's/[.]py$//' | fgrep -v '.' | paste -s -d ',' )"
alias nosetests_cover=$nosetests_cover_cmd
alias nosetests_cover_sort="$nosetests_cover_cmd 2>&1 | fgrep '%' | sort -nr -k 4"


  • This is from my .bashrc file. Modify appropriately if you don't use bash.
  • These must be run from your top-level directory. Otherwise, the package names will be incorrect and coverage will silently fail to process them (i.e. instead of telling you your --cover-package is incorrect, it will act like you didn't supply the option at all).
  • I'm currently using Python 2.7.6 on Ubuntu 13.10, with nose version 1.3.0 and coverage version 3.7.1. This is the only setup in which I've tested these commands.
  • In your usage, remove --cover-erase and --cover-inclusive if they don't match your needs.
  • If you want to sort in normal order instead of reverse order, replace -nr with -n in the sort command.
  • These commands assume that all of your top-level Python files/packages are named without a dot (other than the dot in ".py"). If this is not true for you, read Details section below to understand the command parts, then modify the commands as appropriate.


I don't claim that these are the most efficient commands to achieve the results I want. They're just the commands I happened to come up with. =P

The main thing to explain would be the argument to --cover-package. It builds the comma-separated list of top-level Python file/package names (with ".py" stripped from file names) as follows:

  • \$ -- Escapes the $ character in a double-quoted string.
  • $( ) -- Inserts the result of the command contained within.
  • ls -- Lists all names in current directory (must be top-level Python directory).
  • | sed -r 's/[.]py$//' -- In the list, replaces "" with "foo_bar".
  • | fgrep -v '.' -- In the list, removes all names without a dot (e.g. removes foo_bar.pyc and notes.txt).
  • | paste -s -d ',' -- Changes the list from newline-separated to comma-separated.

I should also explain the sorting.

  • 2>&1 -- Joins stderr and stdout.
  • | fgrep '%' -- Removes all output lines without a % character.
  • | sort -nr -k 4 -- Sorts the remaining lines in reverse numerical order by the 4th column (which is the column for coverage percentage). If you want normal order instead of reverse order, replace -nr with -n.

Hope this helps someone! =)

Solution 4

If you use coverage:py 3.0, then code in the Python directory is ignored by default, including the standard library and all installed packages.

Solution 5

I would do this:

nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=foo,bar tests/*

I prefer this solution to the others suggested; it's simple yet you are explicit about which packages you wish to have coverage for. Nadia's answer involves a lot more redundant typing, Stuart's answer uses sed and still creates a package by invoking touch, and --cover-package=. doesn't work for me.

Daryl Spitzer
Author by

Daryl Spitzer

Father of three, husband, computer programmer (Pythonista), skeptic, atheist, podcast listener, baseball fan, Canadian (in the United States).

Updated on June 05, 2022


  • Daryl Spitzer
    Daryl Spitzer about 2 years

    My SUT looks like:
    tests/ [empty]
    tests/integration/ [empty]

    When I run nosetests --with-coverage, I get details for all sorts of modules that I'd rather ignore. But I can't use the --cover-package=PACKAGE option because & are not in a package. (See the thread after for my reasons for not putting them in a package.)

    Can I restrict coverage output to just &

    Update - Assuming that there isn't a better answer than Nadia's below, I've asked a follow up question: "How do I write some (bash) shell script to convert all matching filenames in directory to command-line options?"

  • Daryl Spitzer
    Daryl Spitzer about 15 years
    I'm impressed that you looked at the source. (I should have thought of that.) But it shows I need to use "--cover-package=foo --cover-package=bar". If you modify your answer I'll accept it (and vote it up).
  • Nadia Alramli
    Nadia Alramli about 15 years
    Thanks for the note. I fixed the answer. I've never used nose before. But I thought I'd give the question a try since no one else answered.
  • Nadia Alramli
    Nadia Alramli about 15 years
    Opps, sorry about the mistakes. Fixed :)
  • merwok
    merwok over 11 years
    How can one achieve the same thing with options in setup.cfg?
  • Skylar Saveland
    Skylar Saveland about 11 years
    I get coverage reported from site-packages using this :/
  • Michel Samia
    Michel Samia over 9 years
    Do you use virualenv? I get also this, in virtualenv
  • user3776598
    user3776598 over 6 years
    Any idea how to handle in a virtualenv?
  • Ehsan Kia
    Ehsan Kia over 5 years
    I'm sorry, but this is just wrong. That line you found doesn't prove anything, it just shows that the flag is converted and passed to the coverage tool as the "source=" keyword argument.The coverage tool takes paths as shown here: