RuntimeWarning: coroutine was never awaited


Always for coroutines you need await. You forgot this in two places as you got async definitions.

So this code should now work (if this was the only problem):

import discord
from discord.ext import commands
import asyncio,aiohttp,json
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup

class Pubg():
    def __init__(self,bot): = bot

    async def get_info(self):
        urlForInfo = await aiohttp.get(""+user_info[0])
        urlForInfo = await urlForInfo.text()
        # urlForInfo = urllib.request.urlopen(""+user[0]).read()
        soup = bs.BeautifulSoup(urlForInfo, "lxml")
        info = soup.find("div",{"class":"player-summary__name"})
        playerID = info["data-user_id"]
        playerNickname = info["data-user_nickname"]
        season = soup.find("button",{"class":"ranked-stats-wrapper__season-btn"})
        currentSeason = season["data-season"]
        return playerID, playerNickname, currentSeason

    async def get_kd(self):
        playerID, playerNickname, currentSeason = await self.get_info()
        url = "{}/ranked-stats?season={}&server={}&queue_size={}&mode={}".format(playerID,currentSeason,user[3],user[1],user[2])
        resp = requests.get(url).text
        resp = json.loads(resp)
        """ Player Game Stats """
        kills = resp["stats"]["kills_sum"]
        deaths = resp["stats"]["deaths_sum"]

        killDeath = str(kills / deaths)
        KD = killDeath[:4]
        return KD

    @commands.command(pass_context = True)
    async def kd(self, ctx):
        KD = await self.get_kd()
        user_info = ctx.message.content.replace(".kd", "")
        user = user_info.split("-")
        await"Your K/D is: {KD}")

def setup(bot):
Author by


Updated on June 25, 2022


  • Yeah
    Yeah about 2 years

    Been having a lot of trouble lately trying to make my Discord bot simply pull data from and give the user its K/D.

    I've been getting multiple errors, but the one that is showing up the most is:

    F:\Python3\lib\site-packages\discord\ext\commands\ RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'Pubg.get_kd' was never awaited
      ret = yield from coro(*args, **kwargs)

    From the error messaged I'm just confused on what excatly to await since I can't find Pubg.get_kd.

    Heres my code:

    import discord
    from discord.ext import commands
    import asyncio,aiohttp,json
    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup
    class Pubg():
        def __init__(self,bot):
   = bot
        async def get_info(self):
            urlForInfo = await aiohttp.get(""+user_info[0])
            urlForInfo = await urlForInfo.text()
            # urlForInfo = urllib.request.urlopen(""+user[0]).read()
            soup = bs.BeautifulSoup(urlForInfo, "lxml")
            info = soup.find("div",{"class":"player-summary__name"})
            playerID = info["data-user_id"]
            playerNickname = info["data-user_nickname"]
            season = soup.find("button",{"class":"ranked-stats-wrapper__season-btn"})
            currentSeason = season["data-season"]
            return playerID, playerNickname, currentSeason
        async def get_kd(self):
            playerID, playerNickname, currentSeason = self.get_info()
            url = "{}/ranked-stats?season={}&server={}&queue_size={}&mode={}".format(playerID,currentSeason,user[3],user[1],user[2])
            resp = requests.get(url).text
            resp = json.loads(resp)
            """ Player Game Stats """
            kills = resp["stats"]["kills_sum"]
            deaths = resp["stats"]["deaths_sum"]
            killDeath = str(kills / deaths)
            KD = killDeath[:4]
            return KD
        @commands.command(pass_context = True)
        async def kd(self, ctx):
            KD = self.get_kd()
            user_info = ctx.message.content.replace(".kd", "")
            user = user_info.split("-")
            await"Your K/D is: {KD}")
    def setup(bot):