RxJS distinctUntilChanged - object comparison


Solution 1

I had the same problem, and fixed it with using JSON.stringify to compare the objects:

.distinctUntilChanged((a, b) => JSON.stringify(a) === JSON.stringify(b))

This code will work if the attriutes are in the same order, if not it may break, so here's a quick fix for that (be careful this method is slower)

.distinctUntilChanged((a, b) => JSON.stringify(a).split('').sort().join('') === JSON.stringify(b).split('').sort().join(''))

Solution 2

When you have lodash in your application anyway, you can simply utilize lodash's isEqual() function, which does a deep comparison and perfectly matches the signature of distinctUntilChanged():


Or if you have _ available (which is not recommended anymore these days):


Solution 3

I finally figure out where problem is. Problem was in version of RxJS, in V4 and earlier is different parameters order than V5.

RxJS 4:

distinctUntilChanged = function (keyFn, comparer)

RxJS 5:

distinctUntilChanged = function (comparer, keyFn)

In every docs today, you can find V4 parameters order, beware of that!

Solution 4

You can also wrap the original distinctUntilChanged function.

function distinctUntilChangedObj<T>() {
  return distinctUntilChanged<T>((a, b) => JSON.stringify(a) === JSON.stringify(b));

This lets you use it just like the original.



This method also has several pitfalls as some commenters have pointed out.

  1. This will fail if the objects fields are ordered differently;
JSON.stringify({a:1, b:2}) === JSON.stringify({b:2, a:1})
// will return false :(
  1. This JSON.stringify will also throw an error if the object has circular references. For example stringify'ing something from the firebase sdk will lead you to these errors:
TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON

Robust Solution

Use the deep-object-diff library instead of JSON.stringify. This will solve the above problems 👍

import { detailedDiff } from 'deep-object-diff';

function isSame(a, b) {
  const result = detailedDiff(a, b); 
  const areSame = Object.values(result)
    .every((obj) => Object.keys(obj).length === 0);
  return areSame;

function distinctUntilChangedObj<T>() {
  return distinctUntilChanged<T>((a, b) => isSame(a, b));

Solution 5

From RxJS v6+ there is distinctUntilKeyChanged


const source$ = from([
  { name: 'Brian' },
  { name: 'Joe' },
  { name: 'Joe' },
  { name: 'Sue' }

  // custom compare based on name property
  // output: { name: 'Brian }, { name: 'Joe' }, { name: 'Sue' }
Daniel Suchý
Author by

Daniel Suchý

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • Daniel Suchý
    Daniel Suchý almost 2 years

    I have a stream of objects and I need to compare if the current object is not the same as the previous and in this case emit a new value. I found distinctUntilChanged operator should do exactly what I want, but for some reason, it never emits value except the first one. If I remove distinctUntilChanged values are emitted normally.

    My code:

    export class SettingsPage {
        static get parameters() {
            return [[NavController], [UserProvider]];
        constructor(nav, user) {
            this.nav = nav;
            this._user = user;
            this.typeChangeStream = new Subject();
            this.notifications = {};
        ngOnInit() {
                .map(x => {console.log('value on way to distinct', x); return x;})
                .distinctUntilChanged(x => JSON.stringify(x))
                .subscribe(settings => {
                    console.log('typeChangeStream', settings);
        toggleType() {
                "sound": true,
                "vibrate": false,
                "badge": false,
                "types": {
                    "newDeals": true,
                    "nearDeals": true,
                    "tematicDeals": false,
                    "infoWarnings": false,
                    "expireDeals": true
        emitDifferent() {
                "sound": false,
                "vibrate": false,
                "badge": false,
                "types": {
                    "newDeals": false,
                    "nearDeals": false,
                    "tematicDeals": false,
                    "infoWarnings": false,
                    "expireDeals": false
  • Always_a_learner
    Always_a_learner almost 6 years
    How did you fix this? What did you change? If you can tell this it would be great.
  • user3701188
    user3701188 over 5 years
    I am filling in my input my unit cost for a product, with the same logic, but now I can only type 1 number at a time , unless i go back and click on the field. I would like to be able to type in multiple digits at a time which is the normal default. How can I do this
  • Mehdi Benmoha
    Mehdi Benmoha over 5 years
    Have you tried the throttling or debouncing rxJS operators ?
  • user3701188
    user3701188 over 5 years
    that was the 1st thing I thought of, to use debounce but what I realised was when I type in the 1st digit the input loses focus then after the time span the values are emitted so it doesnt allow me to finish typing
  • cobolstinks
    cobolstinks over 5 years
    thanks this save my butt, angular's valuesChanged keeps emitting values even though nothing was changed. This object comparison put an end to that for me.
  • Milad
    Milad over 5 years
    this will give you incorrect true when you delete a property and add it back.
  • Mehdi Benmoha
    Mehdi Benmoha over 5 years
    I didn't understand your scenario, JSON.stringify will simply convert the object to string. Even if you don't have the same properties order it won't work !
  • Mehdi Benmoha
    Mehdi Benmoha over 5 years
    This is why I said that this is a dirty but working code. Because it has a lot of limits but it's fast AF.
  • Nik Handyman
    Nik Handyman over 4 years
    @Harsimer swap comparer and key function
  • Den Kerny
    Den Kerny about 4 years
    Class constructor Subscriber cannot be invoked without 'new' at new DistinctUntilChangedSubscriber
  • Frik
    Frik over 3 years
    even though it works, it messes with the pipeline objects
  • Ben Winding
    Ben Winding over 3 years
    @Frik how so? JSON.stringify() shouldn't mess/mutate anything right? If you have circular json in your objects, then you might need to use another package which can stringify it properly npmjs.com/package/circular-json
  • Frik
    Frik over 3 years
    you are correct. However, there seems to be a bug with WebStorm where it does not see the value o in the tap operator... so you don't have code completion for some reason... from([ { name: 'Brian' }, ]).pipe( distinctUntilChangedObj(), tap(o => console.log(o.name)) ).subscribe();
  • Ben Winding
    Ben Winding over 3 years
    If you're using typescript, then you could also do function distinctUntilChangedObj<T>() { return distinctUntilChanged<T>((a, b) => JSON.stringify(a) === JSON.stringify(b)); }. This will preserve the type correctly, but only if you're using typescript
  • Reza
    Reza over 3 years
    JSON.stringify({a:1, b:2}) === JSON.stringify({b:2, a:1}) this is false, while the result should have been ture
  • Mehdi Benmoha
    Mehdi Benmoha over 3 years
    @Reza yes that’s why I said dirty, because it will check properties order. But it solves majority of cases, where you have exact same objects, you can consider this solution like ===
  • pjdicke
    pjdicke over 3 years
    Nice answer! This will be very useful.
  • pjdicke
    pjdicke over 3 years
    FYI, if name was an object like {name: {first: 'Brian'}} this doesn't work as it doesn't compare the the entire objects.
  • TamusJRoyce
    TamusJRoyce about 2 years
    Just gonna repeat #Reza. Not a fan of "opinion" that this is ok because it is "dirty" - JSON.stringify({a:1, b:2}) === JSON.stringify({b:2, a:1}) this is false, while the result should have been true - Reza
  • TamusJRoyce
    TamusJRoyce about 2 years
    Just gonna repeat #Reza. Not a fan of "opinion" that this is ok because it is "dirty" - JSON.stringify({a:1, b:2}) === JSON.stringify({b:2, a:1}) this is false, while the result should have been true - Reza
  • TamusJRoyce
    TamusJRoyce about 2 years
    there is structuredClone polyfil/new standard. Why isn't there structuredEquals replacement for lodash? lodash isn't compiler friendly when it comes to tree shaking
  • Mehdi Benmoha
    Mehdi Benmoha about 2 years
    @TamusJRoyce using the second option that sorts the string solves this order issue with more costs (it's slower) but in major cases you dont need to sort the object.
  • Ben Winding
    Ben Winding about 2 years
    That's true @TamusJRoyce, there's other ways it can fail too, for example circular references in the objects. I've updated answer to address these problems
  • Bobby_Cheh
    Bobby_Cheh about 2 years
    Can you clarify what you mean in the sentence: "Or if you have _ available (which is not recommended anymore these days):" because you literally just said if you have lodash in your application you can utilize lodash's isEqual() function, but isn't using "_" the way to use lodash to call the isEqual method??
  • hoeni
    hoeni about 2 years
    @Bobby_Cheh When you import the _-Symbol, this includes all of lodash's functionality, whether you use it or not. This cannot be reduced to the really needed ones later to reduce the resulting bundle size in a build process (this is called "Tree Shaking", because all unconnected things fall of :-) ). When you just require the single functions you need, it's only theses that get bound to your final program bundle: e.g. import {isEqual} from 'lodash'. Now it's tree-shakeable, so all the functions of lodash you didn't use (probably most part of lodash ;-) ) will not be included.
  • TamusJRoyce
    TamusJRoyce about 2 years
    @MehdiBenmoha still messes up objects like dates and such. Better to stick with a robust method then serialization. Ben's solution is deep-object-diff. With structuredClone, I am surprised to not see a likewise proper standard deep compare.