Save data into database in Laravel 5


Solution 1

Here is a high level overview of how namespaces work in PHP to try and help you understand this and give you a solution to your problem.


// This is the namespace of this file, as Laravel 5 uses PSR-4 and the
// App namespace is mapped to the folder 'app' the folder structure is
// app/Http/Controllers
namespace App\Http\Controllers;

// Use statements. You can include classes you wish to use without having
// to reference them by namespace when you use them further on in this
// namespaces scope.
use App\Subscribe;

class MyController extends BaseController 
    public function postSubscribe()
        // You can now use the Subscribe model without its namespace
        // as you referenced it by its namespace in a use statement.
        $subscribe = new Subscribe();

        // If you want to use a class that is not referenced in a use
        // statement then you must reference it by its full namespace.
        $otherModel = new \App\Models\Other\Namespace\OtherModel();

        // Note the prefixed \ to App. This denotes that PHP should get this
        // class from the root namespace. If you leave this off, you will
        // reference a namespace relative to the current namespace.

Solution 2

You can try this, Simply use it :

$subscribe        = new App\Subscribe;
Author by


I'm B, I'm a cyb3r-full-stack-web-developer. I love anything that is related to web design/development/security, and I've been in the field for about ~9+ years. I do freelance on the side, if you need a web project done, message me. ;)

Updated on July 09, 2022


  • code-8
    code-8 almost 2 years


    I wrote a migration script.


    I run the php artisan migrate to migrate the table into my database.


    Now, I have a subscribes table in my database. It has 2 fields : id, and email.

    enter image description here


    Route::post('/subscribe', array('as' =>'subscribe','uses'=>'AccountController@postSubscribe'));


    <?php namespace App;
    use Illuminate\Auth\Authenticatable;
    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
    class Subscribe extends Model {
        protected $table = 'subscribes';
        //Validation Rules and Validator Function
        public static function validator($input){
            $rules = array(
                'email'    =>'required|email'
            return Validator::make($input,$rules);


    <?php namespace App\Http\Controllers;
    use Input, Validator, Auth, Redirect;
    class AccountController extends Controller {
        public function postSubscribe() {
                $subscribe        = new Subscribe; <-------- Line#46 (BUG HERE)
                $subscribe->email = Input::get('email');
                return Redirect::to('/')
                    ->with('success','You have been successfully subscribe to us.');


    enter image description here


    Why can't I do $subscribe = new Subscribe;?

    What is the best practice to insert data into database using Laravel 5 ?


    Thanks to @Mark Baker. It seems that I have an issue with my namespace.

    This namspacing is a bit confusing to me right now. Can someone please clarify or explain that a bit ?

    Anything is appreciated.

    Thanks in advance.