scala Range for Long


Solution 1

You can create such a range by using the following syntax:

val range = 1L to 10000000L

The 'L' is mandatory to inform the compiler that the litterals are longs and not ints.

You can then use almost all List methods on the instance range. It should not fill you memory because the intermediate values are generated when needed. The range can be passed to any method expecting a Traversable[Long], a Seq[Long], an Iterable[Long], etc.

However, if you really need a List just call range.toList (and increase the heap size to accommodate all the list elements)...

Solution 2

You can instead use NumericRange[Long] from the standard library.

Solution 3

You probably do not need a range. I would take a Stream and iterate over it.

def stream(i: Long = 1): Stream[Long] = i #:: stream(i + 1)

produces an infinit Stream where the difference between the elements is 1. Because Stream is a lazy collection you will not gett any Errors. To iterate over 10000000 elements you simply use the following:

val range = stream take 10000000
for (i <- range) {

take 10000000 will return a Stream with size 10000000. Because Stream is an Iterable you can pass it to a for comprehansion.

Author by


I'm a software engineer with a particular interest in the Linux, git, low-level programming and programming in general. Now I'm working as Erlang and Elixir developer at Travelping. Writing blog about erlang, elixir and low-level programming for x86_64. Author of the Linux Insides book. My linkedin profile. Twitter: @0xAX Github: @0xAX

Updated on June 07, 2022


  • 0xAX
    0xAX almost 2 years

    I'm new to the Scala language.

    I need Range for Long type.

    I need a List of [1, 2, 3 ... 10000000] with step 1. If I use until/to I get an error because of using Long instead of Int.

    I try to write simple function which expects a start, an end and and an empty List and generates a List of [start .. end].

    Here is my function:

    def range_l(start : Long, end : Long, list : List[Long]) : List[Long] = {
        if (start == end){
            val add_to_list = start :: list
            return add_to_list
        else {
            val add_to_list = start :: list
            range_l(start + 1, end, add_to_list)

    If I call it like: range_l(1L, 1000000L, List()) i get OutOfMemory error in the following line: add_to_list = start :: list

    What can you advice me? How can I get Range[Long] or how can I optimize the function. How can I avoid OutOfMemory?

    Thank you.