scp error: not a regular file


You are missing the -r option that is required to copy a directory and its contents.

From man scp:

-r Recursively copy entire directories.

So your command would be:

sudo scp -r /run/media/orcacomputers/DataCabinet/fileBackups/centos6-root/etc/httpd/conf.d​/ root@ip:/etc/httpd/conf.d​

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Renaissance man polymath Areas of expertise: Auditing, Computer Science, Mixed Martial Arts.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Powerhouse6666
    Powerhouse6666 almost 2 years

    I am trying to copy a directory from my local machine to a remote machine.

    Here is the command I am using;

    sudo scp /run/media/orcacomputers/DataCabinet/fileBackups/centos6-root/etc/httpd/conf.d​/ :root@ip/etc/httpd/conf.d​

    What am I doing wrong here?

  • Powerhouse6666
    Powerhouse6666 over 5 years
    command not found
  • n8te
    n8te over 5 years
    Which command is it saying is not found?
  • Powerhouse6666
    Powerhouse6666 over 5 years
    sudo: /run/media/orcacomputers/DataCabinet/fileBackups/centos6-roo‌​t/etc/httpd/conf.d​/‌​: command not found [orcacomputers@orcainbox conf.d]$ sudo -r scp /run/media/orcacomputers/DataCabinet/fileBackups/centos6-roo‌​t/etc/httpd/conf.d​/ [email protected]:/etc/httpd/conf.d​
  • n8te
    n8te over 5 years
    You wrote sudo -r scp but it should be sudo scp -r
  • n8te
    n8te over 5 years
    That's a whole new problem now. Run it one more time with the additional -v option to see if it gives you more of a clue where it's getting tripped up. Run sudo scp -rv /run/media/orcacomputers/DataCabinet/fileBackups/centos6-roo‌​t/etc/httpd/conf.d​/
  • Powerhouse6666
    Powerhouse6666 over 5 years
    thanks! here is the paste bin
  • n8te
    n8te over 5 years
    There are a number of possible causes to what you're seeing but this is wandering too far off from the original problem: the missing -r option that was preventing a directory from being copied. I would encourage you to start a new post with all the details necessary to troubleshoot this new authentication issue you're seeing. It's too complex to go back and forth here in the comments on this post.
  • Powerhouse6666
    Powerhouse6666 over 5 years
    Okay great, thank you for the clarification. 10-4 Powerhouse 0ut
  • Community
    Community over 2 years
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