Secure server with Fail2ban and Docker


You could install fail2ban on the host then map the access log file from the nginx container to your host. Something like docker run -v /path/in/host:/var/log/nginx/access.log nginx. Then in fail2ban just reference that file.

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Morgana is the true statement ever made.

Updated on June 09, 2022


  • chadyred
    chadyred almost 2 years

    I use nginx in a docker container and I can easily share my log file on my nginx docker container with host. The log are on it and work on /var/log/nginx folder.

    I have install fail2ban on host to check logs files, particulary access.log.

    I test a simple filter

    # Fail2Ban configuration file
    # Author: Miniwark
    failregex = ^<HOST> .*"GET .*w00tw00t
    # try to access to admin directory
                ^<HOST> .*"GET .*admin.* 403
                ^<HOST> .*"GET .*admin.* 404
    # try to access to install directory
                ^<HOST> .*"GET .*install.* 404
    # try to access to phpmyadmin
                ^<HOST> .*"GET .*dbadmin.* 404
                ^<HOST> .*"GET .*myadmin.* 404
                ^<HOST> .*"GET .*MyAdmin.* 404
                ^<HOST> .*"GET .*mysql.* 404
                ^<HOST> .*"GET .*websql.* 404
                ^<HOST> .*"GET \/pma\/.* 404
    # try to access to wordpress (we use another CMS)
                ^<HOST> .*"GET .*wp-content.* 404
                ^<HOST> .*"GET .*wp-login.* 404
    # try to access to typo3 (we use another CMS)
                ^<HOST> .*"GET .*typo3.* 404
    # try to access to tomcat (we do not use it)      
                ^<HOST> .*"HEAD .*manager.* 404
    # try to access various strange scripts and malwares
                ^<HOST> .*"HEAD .*blackcat.* 404
                ^<HOST> .*"HEAD .*sprawdza.php.* 404
    ignoreregex = 

    And I active it easily in /etc/fail2ban/jail.local

    # ban script kiddies
    enabled  = true
    port     = http,https
    filter   = nginx-nokiddies
    logpath  = /var/log/nginx*/*access.log
    maxretry = 1

    I restart/stop/start/reload fail2ban service. Then I test this regex with

    fail2ban-regex /var/log/nginx/access.log /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/nginx-nokiddies.conf

    It match thousands of line, especially with any admin request.

    The main problem is fail2ban not working automatically, so doesn't send mail as before. Indeed, it works perfectly when I use an nginx install directly on host.

    The log are in the basic format, call 'combined' formats like this :

    log_format combined '$remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local]  '
                '"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent '
                '"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent"';

    No permissions problem because my nginx container and its children are full permissions (777) to be sure, I change it after of course !

    Why fail2ban process not ban ip and not match anything with docker ?