SecurityContext doesn't work with @RolesAllowed


Solution 1

Make sure you have your AuthorizationFilter either registered in your MyApplication (see Registering Resources and Providers in Jersey 2) or annotated with @Provider (to make it discoverable by package scanning).

In order to use security annotations (package to restrict access to your resources you need to register RolesAllowedDynamicFeature.


Your AuthorizationFilter has to be also annotated with @PreMatching which means that the filter is invoked before matching phase (uri -> resource). Otherwise filters registered by RolesAllowedDynamicFeature (invoked during this phase) won't see the custom SecurityContext.


Jersey User Guide - Authorization - securing resources

Solution 2

In a real application, defining your own ResourceConfig means you have to edit it every time you add a new resource (class).

A nice way to avoid that problem is to register the RolesAllowedDynamicFeature class in an <init-param> to the <servlet> in your web.xml like this:


If you do that then you can put this in to dynamically register all resources in particular packages:

Author by


Software Developer

Updated on August 04, 2022


  • tobypls
    tobypls almost 2 years

    I'm currently creating a backend server using Jersey 2.5.1 in a Tomcat 7. For the security I'm using the @RolesAllowed, @PermitAll etc. annotations, and I have created my custom ContainerRequestFilter and SecurityContext.

    My problem is that when my @RolesAllowed annotated resource is requested it always denies permission, even if I force my isUserInRole(role) method to return true. However, my filter method gets called. Do you have any suggestions? I'll paste some relevant code below.

    My ContainerRequestFilter implementation:

    public class AuthorizationFilter implements ContainerRequestFilter
        public void filter(ContainerRequestContext request) throws IOException
            request.setSecurityContext(new Authorizer());

    My SecurityContext implementation:

    public class Authorizer implements SecurityContext
        public String getAuthenticationScheme() {
            return null;
        public Principal getUserPrincipal() {
            return null;
        public boolean isSecure() {
            return false;
        public boolean isUserInRole(String role) {
            return true;

    My resource:

    public class TestSecureResource {
        public Response nonSecureTest(
                @PathParam("text") String text){
            return Response.status(200).entity(text).build();
        public Response secureTest(
                @PathParam("text") String text){
            return Response.status(200).entity(text).build();

    My ResourceConfig:

    public class MyApplication extends ResourceConfig {
        public MyApplication() {

    Relevant parts of my web.xml:

    <servlet-name>Jersey Web Application</servlet-name>

    In this specific case, my access to secureTest is always denied. To clarify things; I'm getting HTTP status code 403 - Forbidden.

    Thank you guys in advance