Select on multiple criteria with XPath


Solution 1

In order to get both nodes you need to use union operator - |

For example, the next query will return both type of nodes - comp_div and sty_ret_type:

/meadinkent/record/comp_div | /meadinkent/record/sty_ret_type

Filter by sub-nodes values
In order to filter node based on its sub-nodes values you need to place all conditions in same brackets [nodeA='value1' and nodeB='value2']

For example, the next query will return record nodes whose sub nodes match the filter:

/meadinkent/record[comp_div='MENSWEAR' and sty_ret_type='ACCESSORIES']

A C# union example:

public void UnionExample()
    string xml =

    XDocument xDocument = XDocument.Parse(xml);
    IEnumerable<XElement> selectedElements =
                "/meadinkent/record/comp_div | /meadinkent/record/sty_ret_type");

    Assert.That(selectedElements.Count(), Is.EqualTo(2));

A C# filter by sub-nodes example:

public void FilterExample()
    string xml =

    XDocument xDocument = XDocument.Parse(xml);
    IEnumerable<XElement> selectedElements =
       "/meadinkent/record[comp_div='MENSWEAR' and sty_ret_type='ACCESSORIES']");

    Assert.That(selectedElements.Count(), Is.EqualTo(1));
    Assert.That(selectedElements.First().Name.LocalName, Is.EqualTo("record"));

Solution 2

You just need to have the anded list of conditions inside the [ ] selector for record:

/meadinkent/record[compdiv[.='MENSWEAR'] and sty_ret_type[.='ACCESSORIES']]

Reads as: under a top level meadinkent node, a record node, having a child compdiv (with value MENSWEAR) and a child sty_ret_rype (with value ACCESSORIES).

Solution 3

or you could use linq to XML and do it like this :

var match = XElement.Parse(xmlString);

var matches = from xml in xmlDocument.Elements()
              where xml.Element("comp_div").Value == "MENSWEAR"
              && xml.Element("sty_ret_type").Value == "ACCESSORIES"
              && xml.Element("sty_pdt_type").Value == "BELTS"
              && xml.Element("pdt_category").Value == "AWESOME_BELTS"
              select xml;
Bob Tway
Author by

Bob Tway

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." Stack Overflow appears to be a vast experiment to prove the truth of this statement.

Updated on April 09, 2020


  • Bob Tway
    Bob Tway about 4 years

    I have an XML document which looks something like this:


    I want to useXPath to select nodes which match all four elements and I'm having trouble getting the boolean syntax right. I'm trying this to match the first two just as a test:

    "/meadinkent/record/comp_div[.='" & comp_div & "'] and /meadinkent/record/sty_ret_type[.='" & sty_ret_type & "']"

    Which is failing, saying no nodes are returned. Obviously I'm being very stupid - what am I doing wrong?

    Cheers, mAtt

  • Bob Tway
    Bob Tway about 14 years
    Sorry, I haven't made myself clear. What I'm after is a reference to the Record node which matches all the element values inside. So if I want to assert that sty_pdt_type is "BELTS" and pdt_category is "AWESOMEBELTS" I want a reference to all the record nodes for which those elements match those values.
  • Elisha
    Elisha about 14 years
    @Matt Thrower, I understand now what you meant :) Updated answer accordingly.