SemaphoreSlim.WaitAsync before/after try block


Solution 1

According to MSDN, SemaphoreSlim.WaitAsync may throw:

  1. ObjectDisposedException - If the semaphore has been disposed

  2. ArgumentOutOfRangeException - if you choose the overload which accepts an int and it is a negative number (excluding -1)

In both cases, the SemaphoreSlim wont acquire the lock, which makes it unnessacery to release it in a finally block.

One thing to note is if the object is disposed or null in the second example, the finally block will execute and either trigger another exception or call Release which might have not acquired any locks to release in the first place.

To conclude, I would go with the former for consistency with non-async locks and avoiding exceptions in the finally block

Solution 2

Both options are dangerous if we think about ThreadAbortException.

  1. Consider Option 1 and ThreadAbortException happening between WaitAsync and try. In this case a semaphore lock would be acquired but never released. Eventually that would lead to a deadlock.
await _semaphore.WaitAsync();

// ThreadAbortException happens here

    // todo

  1. Now in Option 2, if ThreadAbortException happens before a lock has been acquired, we'd still try to release somebody else's lock, or we'd get SemaphoreFullException if the semaphore is not locked.
    // ThreadAbortException happens here

    await _semaphore.WaitAsync();
    // todo

Theoretically, we can go with Option 2 and track whether a lock was actually acquired. For that we're going to put lock acquisition and tracking logic into another (inner) try-finally statement in a finally block. The reason is that ThreadAbortException doesn't interrupt finally block execution. So we'll have something like this:

var isTaken = false;

        await _semaphore.WaitAsync();
        isTaken = true;

    // todo
    if (isTaken)

Unfortunately, we're still not safe. The problem is that Thread.Abort locks the calling thread until the aborting thread leaves a protected region (the inner finally block in our scenario). That can lead to a deadlock. To avoid infinite or long-running semaphore awaiting we can interrupt it periodically and give ThreadAbortException a chance to interrupt execution. Now the logic feels safe.

var isTaken = false;

            isTaken = await _semaphore.WaitAsync(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));

    // todo
    if (isTaken)

Solution 3

If there's an exception inside WaitAsync the semaphore was not acquired, so a Release is unnecessary and should be avoided. You should go with the first snippet.

If you're worried about exceptions in the actual acquiring of the semaphore (which aren't likely, other than NullReferenceException) you could try-catch it independently:

    await _semaphore.WaitAsync();
    // handle

    // todo

Solution 4

Your first option is preferred to avoid calling release in the event that the Wait call threw. Though, with c#8.0 we can write things so that we don't have so much ugly nesting on each our methods requiring the use of a semaphore.


public async Task YourMethod() 
  using await _semaphore.LockAsync();
  // todo
} //the using statement will auto-release the semaphore

Here's the extension method:

using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace YourNamespace
  public static class SemaphorSlimExtensions
    public static IDisposable LockSync(this SemaphoreSlim semaphore)
      if (semaphore == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(semaphore));

      var wrapper = new AutoReleaseSemaphoreWrapper(semaphore);
      return wrapper;

    public static async Task<IDisposable> LockAsync(this SemaphoreSlim semaphore)
      if (semaphore == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(semaphore));

      var wrapper = new AutoReleaseSemaphoreWrapper(semaphore);
      await semaphore.WaitAsync();
      return wrapper;

And the IDisposable wrapper:

using System;
using System.Threading;

namespace YourNamespace
  public class AutoReleaseSemaphoreWrapper : IDisposable
    private readonly SemaphoreSlim _semaphore;

    public AutoReleaseSemaphoreWrapper(SemaphoreSlim semaphore )
      _semaphore = semaphore;

    public void Dispose()
      catch { }

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Updated on August 28, 2021


  • sh1ng
    sh1ng over 2 years

    I know that in the sync world the first snippet is right, but what's about WaitAsync and async/await magic? Please give me some .net internals.

    await _semaphore.WaitAsync();
        // todo


        await _semaphore.WaitAsync();
        // todo
  • i3arnon
    i3arnon almost 10 years
    Wouldn't a Release where a WaitAsync failed still exit the semaphore once?
  • Yuval Itzchakov
    Yuval Itzchakov almost 10 years
    Definitely would cause a redundant call. Fixed my answer
  • Mooh
    Mooh about 3 years
    Why would we at all consider handling ThreadAbortException if we are sure that our code does not call Thread.Abort?
  • AndreyCh
    AndreyCh about 3 years
    Your question is very valid, especially in terms of the changes introduced in .NET Core, where Thread.Abort was superseded with a more safe approach based on CancellationToken. There is a nice thread regarding that: As for .NET Framework projects, I'd say, considering ThreadAbortException is still valid, since it's hard to foresee all ways where it can be thrown - that includes 3rd party libraries as well as consumers.
  • Theodor Zoulias
    Theodor Zoulias over 2 years
    Why are you suppressing a possible exception of the _semaphore.Release(); call? A SemaphoreFullException occurrence is certainly something that at least should be logged, in order to receive the developer's attention.
  • Bill Tarbell
    Bill Tarbell over 2 years
    Because there's not enough context in the sample to meaningfully handle the exception. The reader may want to simply log it, destroy all instances that made use of the semaphore, or perhaps fully terminate their app. The choice is theirs - this is only a succinct sample to demonstrate the concept.
  • Theodor Zoulias
    Theodor Zoulias over 2 years
    Bill my understand is that the AutoReleaseSemaphoreWrapper is library-worthy code. It's not a piece of application code, intended to be customized to the special needs of the application at hand. So IMHO the general rules about handling exceptions apply: If you don't know how to handle it, let the exception propagate.
  • Mike Bruno
    Mike Bruno over 2 years
    Just curious; instead of an empty try block with work in finally, why not call WaitAsync() in the try block and then use an empty catch?
  • AndreyCh
    AndreyCh over 2 years
    We wanted to ensure the isTaken variable is always updated with the result of WaitAsync() invocation. A ThreadAbortException may happen after semaphore lock is acquired, but before the variable gets updated. That's why we put these operations into finally block guaranteeing they will not be interrupted. Unlikely to the finally block, the try-catch can be interrupted by the ThreadAbortException. Hope this answers your question.