Service doesn't start when using chef


Most probably you have some errors in your /etc/init.d/myservice script. When you say that yourservice supports status command, chef will run service myservice status and check the exitcode. If it's 0, it assumes that the service is running. Your script should exit with nonzero code.


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Brought up in Java. Now in love with Javascript.

Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Jay
    Jay over 1 year

    I've written a script which I trigger as a service. When I call service myservice start the service starts fine. However, when the same service is triggered using chef, the service doesnt start. My chef service code looks like this

    service "myservice" do
     supports :status => true, :restart => true, :reload => true
     action [ :enable, :start ]

    I call the script using knife bootstrap <ip> -r 'recipe[testservice]'. What am I missing here? Thanks for the help!

    • Oin
      Oin about 11 years
      Could you say what platform you are running this on? And what chef version? The service provider might have something to do with it.
    • Jay
      Jay about 11 years
      I use a Centos box. The chef version is 11.4.0.
    • Oin
      Oin about 11 years
      In the output from knife bootstrap do you see a line with: INFO: service[myservice] restarted ?
    • Jay
      Jay about 11 years
      I see this service[myservice] action start (up to date)
    • Jay
      Jay about 11 years
      for some reason chef thinks my service is running when its not.