Sessions in token based authentication


Solution 1

What I usually do is to keep the token in the local storage, this way I can persist the token even if the user leaves the site.

localStorage.setItem('app-token', theTokenFromServer);

Every time the user loads the page, the first thing I do is to look for the existence of the token.

token = localStorage.getItem('app-token');

If using react, I'd keep the token on the global state (using redux for example):

function loadAppToken(token) {
  return {
    type: 'LOAD_TOKEN',
    payload: { token },

With vanilla javascript I'd keep it on my connection utility. Which might look something like the following:

const token = localStorage.getItem('app-token');

export function request(config) {
   const { url, ...others } = config;

   return fetch(url, {
     credentials: 'include',
     headers: {
       'Authorization': `Bearer ${token}`

I'd still have a fetch utility in a react app, similar to the previous code, but I'd send the token in the options, by getting it in a redux middleware for every single request.

Solution 2

Let's assume you want to build an APP with.

  1. ReactJS
  2. REST API with PHP
  3. Using JWT

1. Introduction

You must forget about sessions when building REST API's.

REST API's are meant to be stateless, so they must not depend on sessions, they must process requests with only the data given by the client.

2. Authentication

All the client wants to do is only to exchange some username & password for a token.

This is an example HTTP request

POST /api/v1/authentication HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost
Content-Type: application/json
    "username": "foo",
    "password": "bar"

And the response is:

    "token": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

3. let's go into more details into request/response

How our API will process the authentication request?

  1. It will check if a user with username foo & password bar is founded and it's active in DB

  2. It will generate a JWT (Json Web Token)

  3. It will return response containing the JWT

This is some super simple auth method, just for example.

public function authAction()
  /** Get your payload somehow */
  $request = $_POST;

  //Validate if username & password are given/

  $user = $this->model->auth($username, $password);

  if(!$user) {
    //throw error for not valid credentials

  $jwt = $this->jwt->create($user);

  //return response with $jwt

As you see they are no sessions set or anything.

How our client side will process the response?

The client could use some package like superagent for handling the requests & responses to our API this way the process will be simplified to this:

  let data = {
    username: email,
    password: password

    .set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
    .end(function (error, response) {

4. Creating JWT on server side

You could use some 3RD PT package for generating and validating JWT instead of writing it yourself.

Look at this package, you can see how it's done.

And remember to always create strong signatures. I recommend using RSA keys

I am not advertising or supporting this project, just found it useful to share it here. I had never used it, I'm using something similar to this on my NodeJS projects.

5. Saving JWT on client side

They are two ways as you already know localStorage & cookies For me I am using cookies, because:

  1. They are a bit more secure.
  2. Expire date can be set without implementing some custom logic.
  3. Older browser support (very old browsers, so it's not that important).

But it's all up to you.

6. Using JWT

From now on every request to server you must include your JWT.

In your REST API you must write a method to validate the JWT and exchanging it for user object.

Example request:


    .set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
    .set('Authorization', jwt)
    .end(function (error, response) {


How API will process this request

public function postsAction()
  $jwt = $this->headers->get('Authorization');

  if(!$this->jwt->validate($jwt)) {
    //throw unauthorized error

  $user = $this->model->exchangeJWT($jwt);

  //Your logic here

7. Expire date & cookie

If you are using cookie to save your JWT, be careful with setting the expire dates.

The cookie expire date must be equal to the JWT expire date.

Solution 3

Currently working on same type of application using lumen for API. Following 3 steps for Token based Authentication in Lumen with JWT:

1. Create Token and return after login success

public function login(Request $request) {
    $token = $this->jwt->attempt(['user_name' => $data['user_name'], 'password' => $data['password']]); //$token = $this->jwt->attempt($data); 
    if (!$token) {
        $response = array('success' => false, 'data' => null, 'detail' => array('message' => Messages::MSG_INVALID_USER, 'error' => array(Messages::MSG_INVALID_USER)));
        return response()->json($response);
    } else {
        $user = \Auth::setToken($token)->user();
        $data = array('token' => $token,'user_id' => $user->id);
        $response = array('success' => true, 'data' => $data, 'detail' => array('message' => Messages::MSG_SUCCESS, 'error' => null));
        return response()->json($response);

2. Define middleware for token verification

public function handle($request, Closure $next, $guard = null) {
    try {
        $token = $request->header('X-TOKEN');
        $user_id = $request->header('X-USER');
        $user = \Auth::setToken($token)->user();
        if ($user && $user->id == $user_id) {
            return $next($request);
        } else {
            $response = array('success' => false, 'data' => null, 'detail' => array('message' => Messages::MSG_ERR_INVALID_TOKEN, 'error' => Messages::MSG_ERR_INVALID_TOKEN));
            return response()->json($response);
    } catch (Exception $ex) {
        $response = array('success' => false, 'data' => null, 'detail' => array('message' => Messages::MSG_ERROR_500, 'error' => array($ex)));
        return response()->json($response);

3. Store token in localstorage or in cookies

localStorage.setItem("Token", JSON.stringify(TokenData));
TokenData = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("Token"));


$.cookie('Token', JSON.stringify(TokenData), {expires: 1, path: '/'});
TokenData = JSON.parse($.cookie("Token"));

4. Send token with every request in headers

Request with custom headers

    url: 'foo/bar',
    headers: { 'X-TOKEN': TokenData.Token ,'X-USER': TokenData.UserId}

Headers to every request

        headers: { 'X-TOKEN': TokenData.Token ,'X-USER': TokenData.UserId}

Hope it'll help.

Note: Add some checks and data validations while reading data from localstorage or cookies .

Solution 4

You can store it in the browser's localStorage, then set it in the header for each request to the server.

Solution 5

For encryption and decryption you can use in built laravel's Crypt Model

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Crypt;

What we do for generating APIs token is will take array of required fields.

Let's create data

$data = [
    'user_id' => $user->id,
    'time_stemp' => \Carbon::now() // Carbon is laravel's time model(class) for managing times
    'expire_on' => \Carbon::now()->addDays(2); //here i'm setting token expires time for 2 days you can change any

$data = serialize($data);

then encrypt your data with Crypt

$accessToken = Crypt::encrypt($data);

Now send to front end in response and save in local storage or cookie anything no need for time here will check on server only.

Now in every request pass that token and on server side create one middle ware that will parse your data and if your token time is less then expire time then move forward else send error 403 or anything you want.

How to parse data on server side

Create middleware using command : php artisan make:middleware ApiAuth then is handle part

//Accesstoken you passed in $headers or in $request param use whatever you like
$searilizerData = Crypt::decrypt($headers['AccessToken']);
$data = unserialize($searilizerData);
//check if expire_on is less then current server time
if($data['expire_on] <= \Curbon::now()){
   next(); // let them contuine and access data
} else {
      throw new Exception ("Your token has expired please regenerate your token",403);

Hope this will help :)


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Flame of udun
Author by

Flame of udun

Always learning :)

Updated on June 14, 2022


  • Flame of udun
    Flame of udun almost 2 years

    I am building an app in PHP Lumen which returns a token upon login. I am not sure how to proceed beyond this.

    How am I supposed to maintain a session using these tokens?

    Specifically, how do I store the tokens on the client side if I am using reactjs or vanilla HTML/CSS/jQuery and send them in every request I make for the secure part of my web app?

    • Admin
      Admin over 6 years
      If Lumen uses cookies, then they're probably automatically set for you.
    • Peon
      Peon over 6 years
      Read about Laravel Passport
  • Nick
    Nick over 6 years
    +1 for simplicity. Also, in your backend you can set the expiry date of the JWT token. If the token is expired, the API will return unauthorized, and you should redirect the user to the login page.
  • narthur157
    narthur157 about 4 years
    Local storage can be read by other scripts on your page and is generally considered insecure
  • mercury
    mercury about 2 years
    It’s highly not recommended to use localStorage for any sensitive data .