Setting up puppetmaster: hostname was not match with the server certificate


Which hostname(s) did the puppetmaster generate its certificate for? The puppet client expects the certificate to be valid for "puppetmaster", but it doesn't seem to be issued for this hostname. I think "puppet" might be the default CN on the puppetmaster, or else the hostname of the server. You can check it by running "openssl x509 -text -in cert.pem" on the certificate of the server, or connect to https://yourpuppetmaster:8140/ with a browser, and see which domains are in the CN and dns_alt_names of the certificate.


You have a certificate only for "master", but your client connects to "puppetmaster". So either the client needs to expect "master", or you need a certificate for "puppetmaster" on your master. A "certname=puppetmaster" in the [master] block in puppet.conf will change the CN on the server ( You may need to remove the old certificates, but I am not sure about this. Or, you can have the client connect to "master", either by adding it to /etc/hosts, or to your DNS zone if you're running one.

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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • CppLearner
    CppLearner almost 2 years

    I am new to setting up Puppet and Puppetmaster... We have puppets setup previously, and new new puppetmaster...

    3rd edit

    After deleting the ssl files on both master(ghive-ldap) and client (giab10)

    The hostname for master is ghive-ldap and in client's hostname I have that.

    On master:

    puppet cert clean ghive-ldap
    puppet cert generate --dns_alt_names ghive-ldap ghive-ldap
    sudo puppetca --sign giab10
    err: Could not call sign: Could not find certificate request for giab10

    so then on the client:

    sudo puppet cert --generate giab10
    notice: giab10 has a waiting certificate request
    notice: Signed certificate request for giab10
    notice: Removing file Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest giab10 at '/var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/requests/giab10.pem'
    notice: Removing file Puppet::SSL::CertificateRequest giab10 at '/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certificate_requests/giab10.pem'
    giabadmin@giab10:~$ sudo puppet cert --list --all
    + giab10 (0F:CB:............)

    I ran this on the client

    sudo puppetd --test --debug
    err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: getaddrinfo: Name or service not know

    Fine... let me try this on the client

    sudo puppet agent --server ghive-ldap --waitforcert 60 --test --verbose
    err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server certificate B: certificate verify failed
    warning: Not using cache on failed catalog
    err: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run

    Garrrrr..... I deleted the ssl files and still no luck!! Something must have gone wrong...

    How do I start from the beginning? I didn't much help from the documentation...Sorry for being a noob.. Thanks

    PS: Also, how do you make sure the two servers have time in sync?

  • CppLearner
    CppLearner about 12 years
    Thanks,. I've updated my post above. Do they seem to do something weird?
  • arjarj
    arjarj about 12 years
    You're connecting to "puppetmaster", but the puppetmaster only has a certificate it can use for "master".
  • CppLearner
    CppLearner about 12 years
    Thanks. Question... if the hostname for the master is not puppetmaster, should I just go back to /etc/hosts and put the actual hostname there? Will that make more sense? THanks
  • arjarj
    arjarj about 12 years
    It's a matter of preference I guess. I am usually hesitant to mess with the certificate stuff, so I'd just stick the hostname in /etc/hosts or DNS and be done with it. If you plan on growing to a lot more hosts and want to use the hostname you picked, I'd investigate the certname or dns_alt_names options.
  • CppLearner
    CppLearner about 12 years
    Thanks. Just a quick question... sorry for being a noob. I would like start the whole certificate over. Where should I begin starting over? I deleted /var/lib/puppets/ssl/ and /etc/puppets/ssl on both master and clinet... assuming that putting the actual hostname in /etc/hosts will make things smoother
  • arjarj
    arjarj about 12 years
    Clearing /var/lib/puppet/ssl should be sufficient yes. I don't think changing /etc/hosts on the master will be helpful. Changing /etc/hosts would be on the client, to match the hostname you connect to with the certificate of the server. You can change the hostname of the server (often /etc/hostname, after you change it reboot or use the hostname command), or change the name puppet creates the certificate for with the certname option:…
  • CppLearner
    CppLearner about 12 years
    Thanks... I edited my post. I would like to ask for guidance on starting over from the beginning.... it seems like I am creating a big mess here. If you can help it would be really great. Thanks in advance.
  • arjarj
    arjarj about 12 years
    Did you check your error on… ? Also, you can sync the time with ntp, just point both servers to a valid ntp server, most likely your distro will come preconfigured with some.