Sharing 2nd Hard Disk Drive in Ubuntu Server 12.4


I think that this guide will be helpful for you:,%20Simple%20and%20Brief%20Way!

The main steps from the guide:

  1. Set a password for your user in Samba

    sudo smbpasswd -a <user_name>
  2. Create a directory to be shared

    mkdir /home/<user_name>/<folder_name>
  3. Make a backup to be safe:

    sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf ~
  4. Edit the conf file (you can use any editing program, I prefer gedit)

    sudo gedit /etc/samba/smb.conf

    add the following lines to the end of the file:

    path = /home/<user_name>/<folder_name>
    available = yes
    valid users = <user_name>
    read only = no
    browseable = yes
    public = yes
    writable = yes
    ##Note that before and after the equal sign should be a SPACE!
  5. When done, restart the samba:

    sudo restart smbd
  6. Once Samba has restarted, to check syntax errors, run:

  7. To access the shared directory from windows run:


The folder name will be the value that you used in "" in "/etc/samba/smb.conf".


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • Neil
    Neil almost 2 years

    Greetings to all the techies and Gurus!

    I have Ubuntu Server 12.4 LTS with Samba Server Installed. I have a 2nd 2TB HDD. I want to Create a Folder in the 2nd HDD and share it with windows PC's.... How do I do it? Appreciate all your help peepz.. Chers

  • sboda
    sboda over 10 years
    Sorry for the late answer, yes, that's also possible, assuming that the partition is mounted... You will have to change path = /media/sdb5/custom if the partition is mounted in /media/sdb5, or you can right click on the mounted drive and you can find under properties the file path...
  • Neil
    Neil over 10 years
    sboda, thank you for that I manage to share the folder, I can navigate in the folder from a windows user... but the non of the windows users are unable to create/modify/save any file under the folder. I have no restricted permission set to the folder folder is set to 777... any idea where i am going wrong?
  • sboda
    sboda over 10 years
    You're welcome! You should add write list = user_name after browseable = yes. (I think if you add just write list = * then anyone will have acces to write it!) Please accept my answer, if this will work!