Show full URI/URL in Chrome's developer tools Network tab


Solution 1

Some columns contain a primary field and a secondary field (Time and Latency, for example). When viewing the Network table with large resource rows both fields are shown; when using small resource rows only the primary field is shown.

Chrome dev tools screenshot With the newer versions of Chrome it is now hidden here: Chrome dev tools screenshot new step 1 Chrome dev tools screenshot new step 2

Solution 2

You can right click the columns in the network tab and select either "Url" or "Path", that will show the complete url of the requests.

You can then right click again and unselect "Name" to remove redundant columns.

Just tested in Chrome 81.

Update: Just tested it and are still the same steps in Chrome 100.

Solution 3

This is not currently possible. However, there is active work being done on Chrome Dev tools (e.g., and you can make a suggestion for an option of this feature.

Solution 4

In both Chrome and Firefox you can right-click and save the network information as a HAR (HTTP Archive). That HAR file can be processed manually, with a script or with one of several HAR viewers and contains the full URL.

Google has a great online HAR reader that will show the full URL of each request:

So to see the full URL:

  • Save/export HAR file via Inspect > Network > Right-Click > Save As HAR.
  • Load HAR into HAR Analyzer.
  • Sort/filter as needed or highlight table cells/rows and copy/paste.

Solution 5

This is not something that can be done in Chrome, sorry. In addition, there has been no word about any changes that will be made to the developer panel, so I would not expect this to be added soon.


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Updated on September 18, 2022


  • firativerson
    firativerson almost 2 years

    I am using the code below, it works if the bundle is installing the first time only, otherwise I am getting bundle already exist error. So my question is how can I check if the bundle exists and if so, read it from the cached file

        IEnumerator DownloadAndCache() {
            yield return null;
        using (WWW www = WWW .LoadFromCacheOrDownload(bundleURL, Version)) {
            yield return www;
            if (www .error != null)
            throw new UnityException("WWW Download had an error: " + www .error);
           // Must add check mechanism here
            AssetBundle bundle = www .assetBundle;
        //  bundle.Unload(false); this doesnt work
            if (AssetName == "") {
                mBundleInstance = Instantiate (bundle.mainAsset) as GameObject;
                mBundleInstance.transform.parent = cloudtarget.transform;
            else {
                mBundleInstance = Instantiate(bundle.LoadAsset (AssetName)) as GameObject;
                mBundleInstance.transform.parent = cloudtarget.transform;

    Thank you

    • firativerson
      firativerson almost 8 years
      bundle.Unload (false); after else solved the error but I am redownloading it everytine, how could I fix this redownloading problem and load installed bundle from the cache
  • fixer1234
    fixer1234 about 5 years
    This is potentially useful information, but not posted in the best place. The question is specific to Chrome, so posting here, it might be more appropriate as a comment. The question is also ancient. Readers for whom your answer could be useful aren't likely to stumble across it here. It would be more helpful to find a more relevant question to post it on, or create your own self-answered question.
  • Maxim
    Maxim about 5 years
    You are right absolutely. But some years ago I got the same issue and it was "pain" for developers (Chrome and Firefox as well). So for now I have found top most googled link to report the news. If you can - just move it to correct question ))
  • Daryn
    Daryn over 4 years
    Essence of answer still true but for later visitors, GUI has changed. (In Chrome 78 at least, I can't say when introduced), option is now found in the network settings (gear tab in top right of the network tab), the 1st checkbox, titled "[ ] Use large request row"
  • SikoSoft
    SikoSoft about 4 years
    This no longer appears to exist in Chrome 83.
  • SikoSoft
    SikoSoft about 4 years
    Nor do I think it's a valid answer at least based on the provided screen shots. My concern was not with the leading path, but with the additional query parameters in the URL, which I don't see highlighted in any of the requests.
  • rofrol
    rofrol about 4 years
    @Lev But I see searchParams in Network tab even without "Use large request rows"