Showing a marker at a geo:-url in Android Maps


Solution 1

It works with the follwoing url:

final String uriString = "" + lat + ',' + lng + "("+ label +")&z=15";

The reverse geo coded address is shown.

I found documentation to the supported parameters here. This is not the documentation for Androids Google Maps but what I tried works.

Note: it should be noted that the original question was in regards to the the geo: URI to launch the Google Maps app (see Android Developer Reference Intents List, whereas this answer might launch a web view with the Google Maps website depending on what App the user chooses for this Intent.

Solution 2

Dirk, have you tried geo:0,0?q=lat,lng?

it is displaying a marker on my nexus 5.

Solution 3

try this:,-118.243611

and to get the complete route between two points:,-118.243611&daddr=37.322778,-122.031944

Dirk Jäckel
Author by

Dirk Jäckel

Android application developer and blockchain technologies enthusiast. Co-host of the Oktahedron podcast (about Ethereum, in english), Pandroid podcast (about Android development, in german) and Bitstaub podcast (about Bitcoin, in german).

Updated on July 29, 2022


  • Dirk Jäckel
    Dirk Jäckel almost 2 years

    Is it possible not only to have Google Maps on Android show a given coordinate in the Maps Application but have also a marker (or pin) set at the location?

    I read the documentation at but it only lets me set the zoom level.

    Right now I use the following code to show a place in Google Maps on Android:

    Double lat = 53.3;
    Double lng = 13.4;
    final String uriString = "geo:" + lat + ',' + lng + "?z=15";
    Intent showOnMapIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(uriString));

    Is it possible to have a marker there or do I need to use a MapActivity? Where can I find the complete documentation on the url parameters that the Maps application understands?

    Can I use a different url prefix? For example ""? Maps has an intent-filter matching this scheme/host/pathPrefix. Where can I find documentation on which parameters Google Maps for Android actually supports with this url?