Side-by-side institutes in latex beamer title page


Does this hack the stuff you want?

\institute[Foo and Bar]{
      Foo University &  Bar Institute \\
      Foo, MA, 02134 &  Bar, CA, 90210
Author by


Updated on July 25, 2022


  • SuperElectric
    SuperElectric almost 2 years

    On the title page of my Beamer presentation, I have three authors, from two institutes. The authors get listed side-by-side, which is fine. Less fine is that the institutes get listed one on top of another in an oddly bulky column down the center. In other words, I get this:

                     My Talk Title
    John Foo (1)     Sarah Bar (2)   Isaac Foo (1)
                    Foo University
                    Foo, MA, 02134
                    Bar Institute
                    Bar, CA, 90210

    Whereas I'd love to have this instead:

                     My Talk Title
    John Foo (1)     Sarah Bar (2)   Isaac Foo (1)
        Foo University         Bar Institute
        Foo, MA, 02134         Bar, CA, 90210

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    EDIT: here's the code I'm using:

    institute[Foo and Bar]{
      Foo University\\
      Foo, MA, 02134
      Bar Institute\\
      Bar, CA, 90210
    \author{John Foo\inst{1} \and Sarah Bar\inst{2} \and Isaac Foo\inst{1}} 
    \title[My Title]{My Talk Title}
    \begin{frame}[plain]  % 'plain' suppresses header & footer decorations
    %% .. rest of presentation goes here