Silencing Deprecation warnings in Rails 3


Solution 1

To silence all deprecation warnings you can do:

ActiveSupport::Deprecation.silenced = true

This could be placed in an initializer or in the environment file for a specific environment (e.g. to silence only in production for example.)

Or for a specific section of code, enclose it in a block:

ActiveSupport::Deprecation.silence do
  # no warnings for any use of deprecated methods here

This works for both Rails 3 & 4.

Solution 2

The accepted answer didn't work for me with Rails 3.2.12. Placing it in either the environments/production.rb or an initializer still outputted the warnings. I had to put it in my config/environment.rb file before the application was initialized:

# Load the rails application
require File.expand_path('../application', __FILE__)

::ActiveSupport::Deprecation.silenced = true if Rails.env.production?

# Initialize the rails application

Solution 3

Ryan Daigle wrote an article about this, in which he also showed how you can intercept the deprecation warning and do something else with it, like send it to a log file:

ActiveSupport::Deprecation.behavior = { |msg, stack| MyLogger.warn(msg) }


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Author by


In part of my spare time, I work on fun programming projects. One was trying to analyze what underlies Wikipedia's Get to Philosophy game. I also worked on one called the "Small Eigen Collider". I'm currently learning Japanese, and I'm an active participant in, a website where you write journal entries in a language you're learning, and get corrected by native speakers of that language. In return, you correct people writing entries in your native language. Recently, I've been asking a few questions prompted by slightly incorrect English I've encountered on lang-8.

Updated on January 02, 2020


  • oligan
    oligan over 4 years

    Can anyone tell me how to silence deprecation warinings in Rails 3?

    I have a few situations where it is throwing false positives. Namely using - for loops in haml and f.error_messages from the dynamic_form plugin.


    • mikej
      mikej about 14 years
      Do you want to silence all deprecation warnings or just warnings in selected blocks of code?
    • Admin
      Admin about 14 years
      preferably just the pieces of code i know are safe, but either way if i could toggle it would be nice just to cut out some log noise.
  • Michael Durrant
    Michael Durrant over 10 years
    I also have some great black duct tape you can put over your engine oil light ;)
  • Chris Hough
    Chris Hough over 10 years
    thank you for posting, compared to the other solutions, this is the only thing that worked in Rails 4