Simple Pivot Table to Count Unique Values


Solution 1

Insert a 3rd column and in Cell C2 paste this formula


and copy it down. Now create your pivot based on 1st and 3rd column. See snapshot

enter image description here

Solution 2

UPDATE: You can do this now automatically with Excel 2013. I've created this as a new answer because my previous answer actually solves a slightly different problem.

If you have that version, then select your data to create a pivot table, and when you create your table, make sure the option 'Add this data to the Data Model' tickbox is check (see below).

Tick the box next to 'Add this data to the Data Model'

Then, when your pivot table opens, create your rows, columns and values normally. Then click the field you want to calculate the distinct count of and edit the Field Value Settings: Edit field value settings

Finally, scroll down to the very last option and choose 'Distinct Count.' Choose the option 'Distinct Count'

This should update your pivot table values to show the data you're looking for.

Solution 3

I'd like to throw an additional option into the mix that doesn't require a formula but might be helpful if you need to count unique values within the set across two different columns. Using the original example, I didn't have:

ABC   123  
ABC   123  
ABC   123   
DEF   456  
DEF   567  
DEF   456  
DEF   456

and want it to appear as:

ABC   1  
DEF   2

But something more like:

ABC   123  
ABC   123  
ABC   123  
ABC   456  
DEF   123  
DEF   456  
DEF   567  
DEF   456  
DEF   456

and wanted it to appear as:

   123    3  
   456    1  
   123    1  
   456    3  
   567    1

I found the best way to get my data into this format and then be able to manipulate it further was to use the following:

enter image description here

Once you select 'Running total in' then choose the header for the secondary data set (in this case it would be the header or column title of the data set that includes 123, 456 and 567). This will give you a max value with the total count of items in that set, within your primary data set.

I then copied this data, pasted it as values, then put it in another pivot table to manipulate it more easily.

FYI, I had about a quarter million rows of data so this worked a lot better than some of the formula approaches, especially ones that try to compare across two columns/data sets because it kept crashing the application.

Solution 4

I found the easiest approach is to use the Distinct Count option under Value Field Settings (left click the field in the Values pane). The option for Distinct Count is at the very bottom of the list.

Location of where to click

Here are the before (TOP; normal Count) and after (BOTTOM; Distinct Count)



Solution 5

See Debra Dalgleish's Count Unique Items

enter image description here

Author by


Updated on January 12, 2021


  • user1586422
    user1586422 over 3 years

    This seems like a simple Pivot Table to learn with. I would like to do a count of unique values for a particular value I'm grouping on.

    For instance, I have this:

    ABC   123
    ABC   123
    ABC   123
    DEF   456
    DEF   567
    DEF   456
    DEF   456

    What I want is a pivot table that shows me this:

    ABC   1
    DEF   2

    The simple pivot table that I create just gives me this (a count of how many rows):

    ABC   3
    DEF   4  

    But I want the number of unique values instead.

    What I'm really trying to do is find out which values in the first column don't have the same value in the second column for all rows. In other words, "ABC" is "good", "DEF" is "bad"

    I'm sure there is an easier way to do it but thought I'd give pivot table a try...

  • lc.
    lc. almost 12 years
    +1 I think this is slightly easier than my solution because it doesn't require a special value for the first row
  • ErikE
    ErikE over 11 years
    Nice technique. I didn't know about this one. You can do the same thing with an array function =IF(SUM((A$2:A2=A2)*(B$2:B2=B2)) > 1, 0, 1) (press Ctrl-Shift-Enter when entering the formula so it acquires {} around it).
  • ErikE
    ErikE over 11 years
    Logically this can't possibly work for the OP because it doesn't look at column B. How will you adapt this to work with multiple columns?
  • ErikE
    ErikE over 11 years
    Another possibly less processor intensive way is to add a column C and in C2 =A2&B2. Then add a column D and in D2 put =IF(MATCH(C2, C$2:C2, 0) = ROW(C1), 1, 0). Fill both down. While this still searches from the start of the whole range, it stops when it finds the first one, and instead of multiplying the values from 50,000 rows together it just has to locate the value--so it should perform much better.
  • workglide
    workglide over 11 years
    @ErikE Sharp - I also think your technique stops on the first find. But if you have a lot of unique values in C (example: only 50 ABCs), you will continue to check huge amounts of data. Cool feature: your formula works best when the data is unsorted.
  • Peter Albert
    Peter Albert over 10 years
    In case you have a large dataset, use =IF(COUNTIF($B$1:$B1,B1),1,0) - this way, countif is only run once!
  • vmasule
    vmasule over 10 years
    I had a completely different problem, but this answer just pointed me in the right direction. Thanks.
  • Stockfisch
    Stockfisch about 10 years
    Does anybody know if this works in LibreOffice also? There doesn't seem to be a similar option but maybe it is hidden somewhere?
  • Alberto De Caro
    Alberto De Caro about 9 years
    Universal answer, not requiring any specific feature. Just good plain formulas.
  • tumultous_rooster
    tumultous_rooster about 9 years
    Any idea on how to extend this to a situation with three columns?
  • Siddharth Rout
    Siddharth Rout about 9 years
    @MattO'Brien: In that case the current header3 moves to 4th column and the formula there becomes =IF(SUMPRODUCT(($A$2:$A2=A2)*($B$2:$B2=B2)*($C$2:$C2=C2))>1,‌​0,1)
  • jarlemag
    jarlemag almost 9 years
    Note that this answer will NOT give the correct solution if you filter out some of the rows using the Pivot Table options. Let's say the first row is filtered out. The sum of ABCs will then appear to be 0!
  • Sawd
    Sawd almost 9 years
    This helped me a lot. Thank you. Anyone knows what happens if I open an excel file with distinct count summarization in an Excel 2010 for example? Perhaps the pivot table get all messed up?
  • Meaghan Fitzgerald
    Meaghan Fitzgerald almost 9 years
    @Sawd If you try and save a file that uses the Data Model function as an older Excel format, you get a warning that 'Some pivot table functions will not be saved' - I assume anyone trying to open this file as Excel 2010 will not be able to see it. If you're trying to transfer the data, you could always copy the pivot table and paste the values in a new sheet. Not ideal, but always compatible! :)
  • jrharshath
    jrharshath almost 9 years
    @MichaelK its much better, if you have Excel 2013
  • Louisa
    Louisa over 8 years
    Can this also be done to existing pivot tables, so we don't need to recreate 200+ tables to get access to the distinct count functionality?
  • Antony D'Andrea
    Antony D'Andrea over 8 years
    I have this feature in 2010 as well not just 2013
  • PonyEars
    PonyEars over 8 years
    Just an FYI: if you haven't yet saved your file as an Excel (.xlsx) file yet (eg: you opened a .csv file), the option to "Add this data to the Data Model" is disabled/greyed out. The simple solution is to save the file as an Excel file.
  • cauldyclark
    cauldyclark over 8 years
    this answer fits my need as i have 500,000 rows that I need to apply the formula and my computer runs out of memory if I am trying to. thank you!
  • blobdon
    blobdon about 8 years
    If you add the data to the Data Model, you will NOT be able to Group fields in your pivot, i.e. you will not be able to group a datetime field by month/quarter/year/etc.
  • jkupczak
    jkupczak over 7 years
    Is this not supported on Mac? This option does not appear for me. I'm on version 15.27.
  • Kalin
    Kalin over 7 years
    If you add the data to Data Model, then I also seem to not be able to add a calculated field. (additional info to what @blobdon commented above)
  • Fighter Jet
    Fighter Jet over 6 years
    Excellent! Could you just explain the solution plainly?
  • Siddharth Rout
    Siddharth Rout over 6 years
    @FighterJet: You need to first understand how Sumproduct works :)
  • Fighter Jet
    Fighter Jet over 6 years
    @SiddharthRout Oh yeah, I know it!
  • Tomty
    Tomty over 6 years
    This option indeed doesn't exist on a Mac, as Data Models in general are a Windows-only feature.
  • Abram
    Abram over 6 years
    Well darn... need to get on Windoze.
  • Floris
    Floris about 6 years
    This is OK for small datasets, but the formulas have a nasty N^2 behavior which brings Excel to its knees with larger datasets (500k rows). There must be a trick that doesn't go all the way to the top for every line (assuming data starts out sorted)
  • Gabe G
    Gabe G about 6 years
    While this solution gives you Distinct Count it disables the ability to make custom subtotals (among other things commented above)
  • user3603308
    user3603308 about 6 years
    Hi, I've used this solution to get a distinct count and it works. However, I have a pivot table filter that is month name. It is now ordering the months in alphabetical order instead of chronological order. How can I rectify this please?
  • Leo
    Leo almost 6 years
    As of Office 2016: To be able to use this feature pivot table should be created with "Add this data to the Data Model" checked.
  • kaos1511
    kaos1511 over 3 years
    Hi! What about when i have to summarize with pivot table subtotals. Basically i havea table like below week Promotion product Distinct week1 1 1 1 week1 1 2 1 week1 1 3 1 week1 3 1 0 week2 2 1 0 week2 2 2 0 week2 2 12 1