Slick 3.0 Insert and then get Auto Increment Value


Solution 1

Here's the relevant documentation page, according to which, you should construct a query like this:

val insertQuery = items returning into ((item, id) => item.copy(id = id))

def create(name: String, price: Double) : Future[Item] = {
  val action = insertQuery += Item(0, name, price)

Solution 2

Try this one instead:

def create(name: String, price: Double): Future[Int] = {
    (items returning += Item(0, name, price)
Knows Not Much
Author by

Knows Not Much

Updated on March 21, 2020


  • Knows Not Much
    Knows Not Much about 4 years

    I have written this code which works perfectly

    class Items(tag: Tag) extends Table[Item](tag, "ITEMS") {
      def id = column[Long]("ITEMS_ID", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
      def name = column[String]("ITEMS_NAME")
      def price = column[Double]("ITEMS_PRICE")
      def * = (id, name, price) <> ((Item.apply _).tupled, Item.unapply _)
    object Shop extends Shop{
      val items = TableQuery[Items]
      val db = Database.forConfig("h2mem1")
      def create(name: String, price: Double) : Int = {
        val action = items ++= Seq(Item(0, name, price))
        val future1 =
        val future2 = future1 map {result => 
          result map {x => x}
        Await.result(future2, Duration.Inf).getOrElse(0)

    This code works but the return value is number of records inserted. But I want to return the value of the AutoInc after the insert has been done.

    i did google and found few articles

    Slick 3.0.0 AutoIncrement Composite Key

    Returning the auto incrementing value after an insert using slick

    But somehow these do not answer the question cleanly.

  • Patryk Ćwiek
    Patryk Ćwiek almost 9 years
    +1. I found that Play-Slick-Silhouette Typesafe Activator template is a pretty good introduction how to use Slick 3.0 in a 'real-life' setting, for example here and here, including the 'return assigned identity' problem.
  • Vincil Bishop
    Vincil Bishop over 8 years
    If I could give you an upvote of 100+ I would. This is probably the most concise answer to this question I have seen.
  • ps0604
    ps0604 over 8 years
    this may be obvious, but I'm new in slick/scala, in what variable the autoincrement column is stored? how to get it?
  • dcastro
    dcastro over 8 years
    @ps0604 The query above constructs an instance of Item with the (auto-incremented) id set to 0. When a row is inserted into the database, it creates a copy of this instance of Item, where the new copy has its id set to, for example, 8 instead of 0 - (item, id) => item.copy(id = id). So, to answer your question, you'll find the autoincremented value in
  • ps0604
    ps0604 over 8 years
    where exactly is I don't see any item object accessible after you run the action
  • dcastro
    dcastro over 8 years
    @ps0604 will return a Future[Item] (note the method's signature). After awaiting the future, you'll get an Item.
  • JulienD
    JulienD over 7 years
    It will only work if your table has less than 22 columns, because otherwise HLists will replace case classes and there will be no copy method.
  • Andrew Norman
    Andrew Norman about 6 years
    having the right there will break transactionality if there is a greater chain of db work going on:…