Slick/Scala: What is a Rep[Bind] and how do I turn it into a value?


Rep[] is a replacement to the Column[] datatype used in slick . returns values of the Column('n_user_id') for all rows

val result : Rep[Long] = // => select n_user_id from app_dat_user_t;

The obtained value is of type Column[Long] [ which is now Rep[Long] ]. You cannot directly print values of the above resultSet as it is not of any scala collection type

  • You can first convert it to some scala collection and then print it as below :

    var idList : List[Long] = List() =>
    idList = idList :+ id

    println(idList)** // if you need to print all ids at once

  • else you can simply use : =>
    ) // print for each id

And ,

val users = TableQuery[UserModel] // => returns Query[UserModel, UserModel#TableElementType, Seq])

val users = for (user <- users) yield user // => returns Query[UserModel, UserModel#TableElementType, Seq])

both mean the same , So you can directly use the former and remove the latter

Author by


Avid functional and iOS programm (Swift, Scala, Akka, all the things...)

Updated on July 25, 2022


  • Zaphod
    Zaphod almost 2 years

    I'm trying to figure out Slick (the Scala functional relational model). I've started to build a prototype in Slick 3.0.0 but of course... most of the documentation is either out of date or incomplete.

    I've managed to get to a point where I can create a schema and return an object from the database.

    The problem is, what I'm getting back is a "Rep[Bind]" and not the object I would expect to get back. I can't figure out what to do this this value. For instance, if I try something like rep.countDistinct.result, I get a crash.

    Here's a quick synopsis of the code... some removed for brevity:

    class UserModel(tag: Tag) extends Table[User](tag, "app_dat_user_t") {
        def id = column[Long]("n_user_id", O.PrimaryKey)
        def created = column[Long]("d_timestamp_created")
        def * = (id.?, created) <> (User.tupled, User.unapply)
    case class User(id: Option[Long], created: Long)
    val users = TableQuery[UserModel]
    (users.schema).create += User(Option(1), 2))
    println("ID is ... " + // prints "Rep[Bind]"... huh?
    val users = for (user <- users) yield user
    println( // Also prints "Rep[Bind]"...

    I can't find a way to "unwrap" the Rep object and I can't find any clear explanation of what it is or how to use it.