Software keyboard resizes background image on Android


Solution 1

Ok I fixed it by using


entry inside <Activity > tag in manifest file. I think it was caused by having ScrollView inside the Activity.

Solution 2

I faced the same problem while developing a chat app, chat screen with a background image. android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize" squeezed my background image to fit the available space after the soft keyboard was displayed and "adjustPan" shifted the whole layout up to adjust the soft keyboard. The solution to this problem was setting the window background instead of a layout background inside an activity XML. Use getWindow().setBackgroundDrawable() in your activity.

Solution 3

Here is the best solution to avoid such kind of problem.

Step 1: Create a style

<style name="ChatBackground" parent="AppBaseTheme">
    <item name="android:windowBackground">@drawable/bg_chat</item>

Step 2: Set your activity style in the AndroidManifest file

    android:theme="@style/ChatBackground" >

Solution 4

Through android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan" giving bad user experience because through that entire screen goes on top (shift to top ) So, following is one of the best answeres.

I have same Problem but after that , i Found Awesome answeres from the @Gem

In Manifest


In xml

Dont Set any background here and keep your view under ScrollView

In Java

You need to set the background to window:

    getWindow().setBackgroundDrawableResource(R.drawable.bg_wood) ;

Thanks to @Gem.

Solution 5

just for addition...

if u have a listview on your activity u need to add this android:isScrollContainer="false" in your listview properties...

and don't forget to add android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan" in your manifest xml at your activity...

if you guys using android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustUnspecified" with scrollable view on your layout, then your background will still resized by the soft keyboard...

it would be better if you use "adjustPan" value to prevent your background from resizing...

Andreas Wong
Author by

Andreas Wong

Works daily on PHP / MySQL / js(jQuery) / CSS / HTML / Android. Keen to help others on issues relating to the above :). More details please head to:

Updated on February 27, 2020


  • Andreas Wong
    Andreas Wong over 4 years

    Whenever the software keyboard appears, it resizes the background image. Refer to the screenshot below:

    As you can see, the background is sort of squeezed. Anyone can shed a light on why the background resizes?

    My Layout is as follows:

    <LinearLayout xmlns:android=""
        <LinearLayout android:layout_height="wrap_content"
            <EditText android:id="@+id/CatName"
            <Button android:layout_width="wrap_content"
  • Andreas Wong
    Andreas Wong over 13 years
    It's still happening even after I did this. This is getting frustrating :(
  • Ted
    Ted over 11 years
    The problem is that scrolling is, when using adjustPan, not working... (if you have a ScrollView), and thats annoying...
  • Mr.G
    Mr.G about 11 years
    But the scrollview is not working now. is thr any way to avoid it
  • CelinHC
    CelinHC over 10 years
    Very good! Best answer! adjustPan causes collateral effects like: The keyboard overrides components but no scrollbar are displayed.
  • Gem
    Gem about 10 years
    android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan" make the whole view shift with keyboard. Generally we have a title of the screen on the top. Using this flag it will also go out of the visible area, which make bad user experience.
  • zgc7009
    zgc7009 almost 10 years
    @parulb or anyone else that happens to read this, this works great (and thank you for it) as long as the background image doesn't contain relevant information. The problem I encounter from time to time is that my background will contain something like a logo, and setting the window background to the image hides the logo behind the ActionBar. For certain screens this isn't an issue, but sometimes I am required to keep the ActionBar (no hiding). Any ideas on how to handle some sort of padding while setting the window background to take the ActionBar into account?
  • Rana Ranvijay Singh
    Rana Ranvijay Singh over 9 years
    I need scroll view. Do you have a way to keep the scroll view and keep the background un compressed.
  • user2056563
    user2056563 about 9 years
    What if i am having a fragment how to deal with it ? its not working for fragments
  • Admin
    Admin almost 9 years
    @Gem : so what's the solution ?
  • Gem
    Gem almost 9 years
    @Copernic I faced this problem long time back when i was working on a chat application. Eventually i fixed that please refer my answer here:…
  • CoolMind
    CoolMind almost 9 years
    That's not enough. At least, if you don't use a ScrollView. Much better is a solution here or
  • Dominic D'Souza
    Dominic D'Souza almost 9 years
    This is a good solution in case u have other Views in the background other than an image....Thanks
  • Andrei Aulaska
    Andrei Aulaska over 8 years
    To user2056563: For fragments just use getActivity().getWindow().setBackgroundDrawable() or getActivity().getWindow().setBackgroundDrawableResource()
  • Lucas Eduardo
    Lucas Eduardo over 8 years
    Thank you, it worked even with scrollview. I did like this on new AppCompat: getWindow().setBackgroundDrawable(ContextCompat.getDrawable(‌​this, R.drawable.background));
  • Adam Johns
    Adam Johns over 8 years
    stateVisisble made my keyboard automatically pop up, so I just used adjustPan and still worked for me.
  • Anton Kizema
    Anton Kizema over 8 years
    This shoud be the right answeir! Adjust pan narrows your abilities to code (you can not use ither options - like adjust resize, ets). We showd only set background to activities window, in all chat apps
  • satvinder singh
    satvinder singh over 7 years
    if you don't want to display keyboard automatically then use : android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustPan"
  • CrandellWS
    CrandellWS over 7 years
    This solution worked kinda but caused other issues...using the solution at which worked better for me.
  • Matias Elorriaga
    Matias Elorriaga about 7 years
    nice! simplest solution
  • B.shruti
    B.shruti over 6 years
    But My problem here is , I am not using the image as background of window or view, I am using it in ImageView , and I want the view to resize, along with the original Imageview's src unchanged.
  • B.shruti
    B.shruti over 6 years
    Any one suggest how to do that?
  • Tejas Pandya
    Tejas Pandya over 6 years
    Best Answer Ever
  • Gem
    Gem over 6 years
    Thanks for the recognition.
  • behelit
    behelit about 6 years
    I used both stateVisible|adjustPan but the background still moves after the keyboard appears/hides. My main layout is a scrollview though
  • Nil
    Nil over 5 years
    What to do if I want to use scale type in this? Because for notch screen image is stretching.
  • Nil
    Nil over 5 years
    What to do if I want to use scale type in this? Because for notch screen image is stretching.
  • Harpreet
    Harpreet about 5 years
    It don't stretch anymore with above code but it still scrolls a little up/down w.r.t. soft keyboard.
  • bensadiku
    bensadiku over 3 years
    Excellent solution,esp because it doesn't use the windowSoftInputMode which only brings more issues!
  • hvar90
    hvar90 about 3 years
    you are a genius !
    DIRTY DAVE about 3 years
    Needs to be in activity tag, won't work if it's in application tag.
    DIRTY DAVE about 3 years
    Also stateVisible causes the keyboard to show onCreate. I removed that tag and just used adjustPan
  • Priyanka
    Priyanka about 3 years
    Thanks for the easy answer :) you save my time