Some pretty fixed width font for Windows?


Solution 1

Apple Menlo is basically identical to DejaVu Sans Mono (evidence here), both of which are based on Bitstream Vera Mono. The Deja Vu fonts have a free license, and can be used or modified or whatever. Download it here.

(Oops, sorry for the duplicate. I'll make up for it by mentioning some others I like...

Inconsolata (though Windows 7's consolas is pretty much the same)

Anonymous Pro

Droid Sans Mono


LuxiMono )

Solution 2

Its not perfect - but I use DejaVu Sans Mono. Its neat and tidy, and I've found one of the easiest fonts to stare at for hours on end.

According to, Menlo is a modification of Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, so that might suit your needs.

The DejaVu family is available at The Bitsteam family is available at

Both are open source fonts and can be freely downloaded and used.

Solution 3

There is a discussion here about Menlo that mentions Vera Sans Mono and Prima Sans Mono, you could try getting hold of those (the other answer has a link, which I was about to post).

This little search brings up some resources I've used before.

Also, Jeff Atwood has a post about Consolas here, where he mentions using Monaco for every ClearType monospace font he can, and the comments have links to other programming fonts. Jeff has a more complete overview of programming fonts here, with visuals of course.


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Obi Wan Kenobi
Author by

Obi Wan Kenobi

Updated on September 17, 2022


  • Obi Wan Kenobi
    Obi Wan Kenobi over 1 year

    With Mac, I like the font of Menlo for text editors. With PC, it's hard for me to find some pretty fixed with font, and I don't like the Courier font that I have to use for emEditor.

    Could you recommend me some fixed width font that I can download and use for PC? I expect menlo equivalent somewhere, and it would be great if I can learn how to use the font with emacs/win32.

  • Theb
    Theb over 13 years
    Between these three posts I think you've got enough!
  • Decio Lira
    Decio Lira over 13 years
    +1 for anonymous pro, I use it for programming. Fine font.
  • Theb
    Theb over 11 years
    A small thing--Consolas and Inconsolata are different enough to me that I strongly prefer the latter over the former and even over any monospaced font I have found.
  • barlop
    barlop almost 9 years
    Sans as in sans serif? rather than sans as in without?
  • lochok
    lochok almost 9 years
    Yep - Sans Serif.
  • barlop
    barlop almost 9 years
    ok.. just to correct myself.. the sans in sans serif also means without. (without serifs).. n yeah,, DejaVu Sans (ie Sans Serif) Mono