Sort Excel sheet by column using EPPlus


Solution 1

EPPlus doesn't have the ability to sort by column:

This isn't what you asked for, but in case this helps in excel interop you can sort by column like this:

Worksheet sheet = workBook.Sheets[1];
Range sortRange = sheet.Range["A1", "S100"];
sortRange.Sort(sortRange.Columns[5], Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlSortOrder.xlDescending);

This will sort the range A1:S100 by column E.

Solution 2

var startRow = 1;    
var startColumn= 1;
var endRow= 10;
var endColumn= 10;
var sortColumn = 5; //6th Column because index is ZeroBased.
using (ExcelRange excelRange = yourWorkSheet.Cells[startRow, startColumn, endRow, endColumn])
         excelRange.Sort(sortColumn, true);

Solution 3

Jan Kallman has published a sorting method in 4.5.1. You can see an example he shows here:

    /// Sort the range by value
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="columns">The column(s) to sort by within the range. Zerobased</param>
    /// <param name="descending">Descending if true, otherwise Ascending. Default Ascending. Zerobased</param>
    /// <param name="culture">The CultureInfo used to compare values. A null value means CurrentCulture</param>
    /// <param name="compareOptions">String compare option</param>
    public void Sort(int[] columns, bool[] descending=null, CultureInfo culture=null, CompareOptions compareOptions=CompareOptions.None)

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Ted Nyberg
Author by

Ted Nyberg

Microsoft MCPD and Optimizely (previously Episerver) MVP fiddling with ASP.NET, TypeScript, Azure and other neat things. Looking for new team members to join us in Stockholm!

Updated on September 14, 2022


  • Ted Nyberg
    Ted Nyberg over 1 year

    I'm using EPPlus to generate Excel workbooks.

    I'm trying to figure out how to either:

    1. Sort a worksheet by a specific column (the equivalent of clicking sort A-Z in Excel) or...
    2. Set the sort order for a specific column's AutoFilter
    • increddibelly
      increddibelly over 9 years
      You can sort the data before you feed it to the worksheet.
  • Ted Nyberg
    Ted Nyberg about 11 years
    I did use AutoFilter, but I couldn't see any way of setting its sort order setting?
  • MrOodles
    MrOodles almost 11 years
    AutoFilter is a property, but you use it here like a method. You also provide no explanation at all about how to use AutoFilter. Poor answer.
  • dudeNumber4
    dudeNumber4 over 8 years
    existingWorksheet.UsedRange.Sort( excel.Columns[5], XlSortOrder.xlDescending );
  • Si8
    Si8 about 7 years
    Unf the Office library doesn't work in server side only client side.
  • Kiquenet
    Kiquenet almost 6 years
    autofilter for EpPlus ?