Spring Hibernate Lazy Fetch collections transactions not working


Solution 1

You probably call the service method from a controller(for example). What happens:

-controller method
    -call service method
        -start transaction
              -hibernate do lazy loading
        -end transaction
    -end service method
    you try to access somethind from the lazy initialied list, but no hibernate transaction    here
-end controller method

lazy loading means that hibernate have a proxy object that stores only the id of the entity and executes select statement only when it's needed(e.g. access of some property of the entity). You can take a look at Open session in view but it's considered bad practice Why is Hibernate Open Session in View considered a bad practice?. Try to fetch the collections eagerly.

Edit: 1)Hibernate requires everything to be executed in transaction e.g.

Transaction tx = null;
         tx = session.beginTransaction();
      }catch (HibernateException e) {
         if (tx!=null) tx.rollback();
      }finally {

2)Lazy loading: Hibernate creates proxy object (it don't fire statement to the DB). When you try to access the proxy, a statement is sent to the DB and the result is retreived(this need to be in hibernate transaction.)

3)Spring simplifies the transaction management by intercepting the given method with AOP. First it starts a transaction, then calls the method and commit or rollbacks it.

getPeopleForTeam() return the proxy. Then somewhere outside of a transaction you access some property and hibernate tries to fire a select statement.

Solution 2

You are accessing a lazy-loaded collection outside the Hibernate Session , so you should either change from lazy loading to eager loading or add the annotation @JsonIgnore before each @OneToMany annotation in your model

Jon Taylor
Author by

Jon Taylor

I am a recent first class honors computer science graduate currently working for Aston University on research projects. I also have a CHE in Aeronautics and Astronautics. I am particularly interested in: Computer graphics Game design Multi agent systems Artificial intelligence I was nominated for 2010 European Engineering Student of the year. My main languages include Java, REXX, PHP, Javascript however I like to dabble in a multitude of other languages.

Updated on June 22, 2022


  • Jon Taylor
    Jon Taylor almost 2 years

    I am utterly confused, I have been creating my first Spring application with hibernate and I can not seem to spot my error when lazy loading objects from my database.

    My Models are as follows

    The Team class

    public class Team {
        private int id;
        private String name;
        private String description;
        @OneToMany(fetch=FetchType.LAZY , cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy="team")
        public List<Person> members;
        //Constructors and setters getters ommited

    The Person class

    public class Person {
        private int id;
        private String name;
        private Team team;
        //omitted constructor and methods

    I then have My Data Access Objects which all follow the same pattern as this

    public class TeamDaoImpl implements TeamDao {
        private SessionFactory session;
        public void add(Team team) {
        public void edit(Team team) {
        public void delete(int teamId) {
        public Team getTeam(int teamId) {
            return (Team) session.getCurrentSession().get(Team.class, teamId);
        public List getAllTeam() {
            return session.getCurrentSession().createQuery("from Team").list();

    In all these methods I make sure to use the current session to perform these actions. From my understanding this makes sure that it places these calls into the existing transaction which is create in the service class as follows:

    public class PersonServiceImpl implements PersonService {
        Logger log = Logger.getLogger(PersonServiceImpl.class);
        PersonDao personDao;
        TeamDao teamDao;
        //Ommitted other methods
        public List getPeopleForTeam(int teamId) {
            log.info("Getting people for team with id " + teamId);
            Team team = teamDao.getTeam(teamId);
            return team.getMembers();

    My understanding was that the @Transactional annotation should put that method into a single transaction.

    This all compiles fine but when I run it I get the following error

    org.springframework.http.converter.HttpMessageNotWritableException: Could not write JSON: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: model.Team.members, no session or session was closed; nested exception is 
    com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: failed to lazily initialize a collection of role: model.Team.members, no session or session was closed

    What am I doing wrong? Is my understanding of the @Transactional annotation incorrect? If so how should I go about lazy loading collections inside the object yet fetching them within certain transactional methods?


    This is the relevant part of my spring configuration

    <bean id="dataSource" class="org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource"
            destroy-method="close" p:driverClassName="${jdbc.driverClassName}"
            p:url="${jdbc.databaseuri}" p:username="${jdbc.username}"  />
     <bean id="sessionFactory"
            <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
            <property name="configLocation">
            <property name="configurationClass">
            <property name="hibernateProperties">
                    <prop key="hibernate.dialect">${jdbc.dialect}</prop>
                    <prop key="hibernate.show_sql">true</prop>
      <bean id="transactionManager"
                <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
                <property name="sessionFactory" ref="sessionFactory" /> 
    <tx:annotation-driven transaction-manager="transactionManager" />

    This is another part of the configuration

                <!-- Use the HibernateAware mapper instead of the default -->
                <bean class="org.springframework.http.converter.json.MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter">
                    <property name="objectMapper">
                        <bean class="com.bt.opsscreens.mappers.HibernateAwareObjectMapper" />

    This is the part of the controller

    @RequestMapping(value="/{teamId}/people", method=RequestMethod.GET)
        public @ResponseBody List<Person> getPeopleForTeam(@PathVariable int teamId) {
            return personService.getPeopleForTeam(teamId);
  • Jon Taylor
    Jon Taylor over 10 years
    But am I not accessing the list of members and returning the members from within the transaction? How can I get around this? Can I force it to load the members themselves?
  • Jon Taylor
    Jon Taylor over 10 years
    Also I don't want to fetch eagerly. I want to fetch lazily for performance. But I cant seem to access the contents of these objects even within the transactions so that's why I am baffled.
  • Evgeni Dimitrov
    Evgeni Dimitrov over 10 years
    Are you sure your transaction manager is properly configured? Can you show me the spring configuration.
  • Evgeni Dimitrov
    Evgeni Dimitrov over 10 years
    Take a look at this tutorial to see how to configure the transaction manager byteslounge.com/tutorials/… Shortly you need to pass the session factory to the transaction manager so that it can start the transacttion before the method and close it after that(with AOP).
  • Jon Taylor
    Jon Taylor over 10 years
    I have added the spring configuration (or part of it that I believe is relevant) to the end of my question
  • Evgeni Dimitrov
    Evgeni Dimitrov over 10 years
    Try to remove the datasource from the transaction manager. Otherwise everything looks OK to me.
  • Jon Taylor
    Jon Taylor over 10 years
    Removing it makes no difference. Is the problem being caused by the jackson mapper itself?
  • Jon Taylor
    Jon Taylor over 10 years
    I have added another part of the configuration showing the mapper for converting output to JSON
  • Evgeni Dimitrov
    Evgeni Dimitrov over 10 years
    Since the error occurred even in transactional methods, as you said, I assume that there is nothing with the Jackson Mapper. In getPeopleForTeam() if you do 'team.getMembers().get(0).getName()', before the return, the exception is thrown again, right?
  • Jon Taylor
    Jon Taylor over 10 years
    That worked :/ but why? I am a little confused. Is this a common workaround?
  • marco.eig
    marco.eig over 10 years
    try returning a new collection -> return new ArrayList(team.getMembers());
  • Jon Taylor
    Jon Taylor over 10 years
    Thanks all, I realise now that the list I was getting was a proxy. In fact I now just call .size() on it to make it resolve to the proper list.
  • Jay
    Jay over 8 years
    Brilliant @JsonIgnore helped me for now.. Thanks.
  • HopeKing
    HopeKing almost 7 years
    Does @JsonIngore really help ? Lazy Loading and JsonIgnore are two different things IMHO.