SQL Declare Variables


Solution 1

Your @tblName property exists at the outer scope - the scope of your "normal" code lines - but not at the inner scope of the SQL you're constructing in the string there....

You need to change your lines to read:

SET @strSQL = 'INSERT INTO ' + @tblName + ' VALUES(''trylng'', ''1'')'

and then it should work just fine.

Also, you're not mentioning your SQL Server version - but as of SQL Server 2005 or newer, you should stop using sysobjects and sysindexes - instead, use the new sys schema that contains more or less the same information - but more easily available. Change your query to:

SET @tblName ='SELECT DISTINCT t.name as TableName 
               FROM sys.tables t
               INNER JOIN sys.indexes i on i.object_id = t.object_id  
               WHERE t.name LIKE ''%empty%'''  

See MSDN: Querying the SQL Server System Catalog for a lot more information on what's available in the new sys schema and how to make the most of it!

As "rsbarro" pointed out : putting this SQL statement here into quotes is odd - are you executing this statement using EXEC(...), too?? But then how do you assign the value back to the @tblName property? Doesn't really make sense.....

If you want to actually run this query to get a value, you should have something like this:

 SELECT TOP 1 @tblName = t.name
 FROM sys.tables t
 INNER JOIN sys.indexes i on i.object_id = t.object_id  
 WHERE t.name LIKE '%empty%'

You need to have a TOP 1 in there to be sure to get just a single value - otherwise this statement could fail (if multiple rows are selected).

Solution 2

Not sure exactly what you're trying to do, but I think you want something like this:

DECLARE @tblName varchar(MAX), @strSQL varchar(MAX)
SET @tblName = 
    (select distinct o.name as TableName 
     from sysobjects o 
     join sysindexes x on o.id = x.id  
     where o.name LIKE '%empty%')
SET @strSQL = 'INSERT INTO [' + @tblName + '] VALUES(''trylng'', ''1'')'
exec (@strSQL)

That being said, there are still a couple things to watch out for here. You need to handle the condition where the SELECT DISTINCT returns anything other than a single record. Also, I don't really understand the need to build dynamic SQL (in @strSQL) when @tblName will always have the same value (since there are no variables used in the WHERE clause).

Argel Joseph
Author by

Argel Joseph

Updated on February 23, 2020


  • Argel Joseph
    Argel Joseph over 4 years

    Can anyone check on my statement...

    DECLARE @tblName varchar(MAX), 
            @strSQL varchar(MAX)
    SET @tblName ='SELECT DISTINCT o.name as TableName 
                     FROM sysobjects o 
                     JOIN sysindexes x on o.id = x.id  
                    WHERE o.name LIKE ''%empty%'''  
    SET @strSQL = 'INSERT INTO @tblName VALUES(''trylng'', ''1'')'
    EXEC (@strSQL)

    my error is...

    Msg 1087, Level 15, State 2, Line 1
    Must declare the table variable "@tblName".

  • rsbarro
    rsbarro over 12 years
    Am I missing something? Why is @tblName wrapped in single quotes? Won't that just set it equal to the string, and not the table name?
  • rsbarro
    rsbarro over 12 years
    No, I mean the second statement. Shouldn't it read SET @tblName = SELECT DISTINCT t.name... without quotes? The way it is written @strSQL will have a value of INSERT INTO SELECT DISTINCT t.Name as TableName.... Seems to me that will be invalid, no?
  • marc_s
    marc_s over 12 years
    @rsbarro: ah ok - well, not sure - I was assuming the OP would be executing that SQL statement using EXEC(....) as well. If not - then you're absolutely right, it won't work!
  • rsbarro
    rsbarro over 12 years
    Cool. It's late where I'm at, and I thought I was either seeing some new syntax or losing my mind... =]
  • Andriy M
    Andriy M over 12 years
    +1, only one note: generally it is safer to incorporate names into dynamic scripts like this: 'INSERT INTO ' + QUOTENAME(@tblName) + '…', rather than simply to put square brackets around them.
  • Argel Joseph
    Argel Joseph over 12 years
    Another question...why do we need to use join to SYS.INDEXES since on the list of tables that match to our "WHERE" are in the SYS.TABLES..??
  • marc_s
    marc_s over 12 years
    @ArgelJoseph: I don't know why you're using sys.indexes - that was your statement, I just tried to make it work. But you're right - the sys.indexes seems unneeded here in that statement....